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August 8, 2012

Texas is pretty darn special that way. 🙂

August 8, 2012

Completely out of control disgusting and vulgar. I highly suspect politics ventured into such a decision. Place out a document to sign. I’m there

August 31, 2012

Not all jokes are funny,like people they are in the eye of the beholder. P.S. The correct spelling is execute

September 1, 2012

Hey, your note. Yes. I already recognized that several years ago. I maintain a down at the farm salary performing the same position the past 7 yrs excluding the basic 2% – 4% raises (which, yes, I’m grateful) My co-workers make 20k more than me, which I perform the same position. Fortunately, our insureds recognize me, which gives me a boost in a bonus. If not for my insureds? There’s no internal recnognization. Bonuses each year are never guaranteed.

September 1, 2012

ps – I hope your health is fairing well and you and your family are able to maintain.

October 6, 2012

I agree with you! Unbelievable!

October 7, 2012

I have to agree with you. Strangley enough, I am a correctional officer in Texas. Our system is out of balance. This man was incapable of comprehending his crime. Others commit the most heinous acts in a premeditative manner over and over, and never receive such punishment. Work needs to be done in this state to truly make the punishment fit the crimes committed.