Big Wind Day

I read that this day commemorates the strongest wind speed ever recorded…I forget where it was or how strong it was, but something over 240 mph…  Now that’s some wind.  The forecast here indicates that we on the Front Range will be participating, but not trying for the record.  Thank goodness for that.  Temps are expected to push 80 degrees here before the wind shifts and leads in the cold front.  Then snow.  Springtime in the Rockies…  Gotta’ love it.

Yesterday was super nice here.  Official temperature 79.  Little or no wind.  Sunshine.  Outside door open most of the day.  First time this year to sit out on the deck and watch the many folks (and their canine companions) strolling, jogging, biking, skating around the lake.  Perfect!

I am happy to report that after many months my husband is feeling much better.  He seems to have regained some of his zest for life.  Not only are we back to attending church regularly, but he has returned to his Kiwanis club meetings and is enjoying playing cards with friends and has been attending book club and social hour here in our building.  It’s good to have him back.  Now, if he could just get his meds adjusted….and the Rockies would start playing better……..

Son Mike is off in Nashville again, meeting and working with other song writers and producers.  He is having so much fun.  I’m very happy for him.

Tomorrow is our oldest grandson’s birthday.  I can’t believe he will be 26, is out on his own with a good steady job and (apparently) a serious girlfriend.  Time goes by so quickly.


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April 12, 2018

my son’s neighbor is a big music producer in Nashville… altho he says it is on a much lesser scale now

April 12, 2018

Happy birthday to the birthday boy!  And yay!!!! For papa feeling better. I’m so glad he is a full participant in his life again. We all worried about him. Cold here today. Ah well too busy at work to care much anyhow. Have a good day mama

April 14, 2018

Mt Washington, New Hampshire.  The wind there has killed people by blowing them off the mountain. And it’s cold. Two real good reasons for me to not visit. Also, I live on the other side of the continent. So three good reasons.