Enjoying the Little Things

I’m quite the introvert and can be very antisocial but occasionally I will do things I don’t normally do that I end up enjoying a lot.

Today was getting my hair done. Normally I go to the hairdresser every year to get my “winter fur” cut off but recently I decided to start going every 8 weeks to maintain my current look.

I love the colour red in my hair. It gives me a bit of a confidence boost at times. Almost like as if I have an inner extrovert coming out.

Today amused me a lot. I had two of the ladies working on my hair. I hadn’t asked or expected it but it happened. I really enjoyed the feeling of being pampered. They even suggested slight colour changes that made the red pop even more.

I needed this. After yesterday and feeling like a dark cloud. Today was definitely a mood boost towards the positive.

I think this little social activity will be with me for a long time to come.

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