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October 21, 2024
I didn't sleep well last night because of it laying in my chest but i got up this morning with lots of energy but now I'm considering a nap. This day is speeding by. I didn't even get the everything done this morning that I wanted to. My biggest problem is to remember I started…
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Recent Entries

  • Day one, repeated
    October 20, 2024
    I haven't had a chance to update, but t the last round of meds didn't work. I was finally able to get into to my real dr. Who prescribed me 4 different meds. I finished what I had and started my new set this morning. It was exactly as I said. 6 day dose isn't…
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  • Day one
    October 15, 2024
    Well, they're saying it's still acute bronchitis. Prescribed more meds and antibiotics. I took them around 5am. I have stuff to do today... So I might as well get it behind me because I do not for see myself getting much rest. If it doesn't stop after this visit, I will just have to go…
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  • Still sick
    October 13, 2024
    And still coughing. Some days are better than others. I've been taking Mucinex. Not thrilled. My girl has off tomorrow and I gotta take roommate to his Drs appointment. I had wanted to go to the Dr too, but my son went home early anyway and I was hoping he would watch his sister so…
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  • Once again
    October 8, 2024
    I been up helping my mother w the antiques. She decided she wants all my brothers crap out of her shed, so she's giving him the back shed. Only, all her antiques she got as part of the divorce settlement was back there, so we had to take all the totes out. Only... It wasn't…
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  • Its going quick
    October 7, 2024
    I know he has a relationship, but he's looking for me and I just wish I was treated better than a side dish. Those words give me anxiety. That's what he said when he left. I'll never be anything to anyone other than a side dish. Ugh.  
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  • Busy day
    October 2, 2024
    I did manage to find some stuff today and already sold one online, but mainly I went shopping for food. I really would like to get out to the other Wednesday market but I need new tires first. I guess roommate is coming home, tomorrow and I'm already crabby about it. I enjoyed my peace.…
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  • Rainy Saturday
    September 28, 2024
    I slept in and could probably go back to sleep if I wanted to but for now I'm enjoying the silence. It's been a full week now and dude still didn't pay me Which screwed everything up. I told roommate to stay w his dad for a bit longer. What's the point in coming back…
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  • Field trip!
    September 24, 2024
    My girl has her first field trip today.  It's exhausting to get her out of bed and motivated for her day. She actually said she doesn't have any new clothes to wear. Girl, I literally remember taking her to target to go shopping. I see all her clothes that she wanted IN the dresser. She…
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  • Rainy day
    September 23, 2024
    Today was very productive for me. It started last night, working on my shop. This morning I finished it and figured out the banner thing. I used a free template and just played around with it til it looked better and uploaded it. Now they say add a video. No, I think not. Anyway, then...…
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