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December 22, 2013
this is my annual reminder to opendiary that i don't want to lose this place just yet. this is my third christmas without my father. this is my third christmas with the best person i could ever ask for. i think he left me at the right time. i don't think my heart was big…
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Recent Entries

  • CPR
    December 3, 2012
    because i still come back here, i need to put something here to keep this place alive. what do i come back for? to re-read my thoughts? my memories? no. i don't go back and read my own words. i know what i've done. but i come back to read yours. i am always amazed…
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  • daddy.
    June 7, 2011
     to the people who still look for me here. my father died two weeks ago today. no obituary. no public funeral. i never got to see the body after he passed. what a hole it's left - knowing i can never see him again, talk to him again. my best friend, my father. every day…
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  • stay alive.
    May 11, 2011
     just a post so this thing doesn't disappear yet. certain things i can't let go of yet.  certain things i already have. don't worry. i don't miss you at all.
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  • 11/29/2010
    November 28, 2010
     i don't know why the hell i came back here. i needed that familiar stab in the heart. no. actually. i have some strange hope that he's out there looking for me. i just feel like i have to make things right before september. what i child i was!
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  • to clear up confusion..
    December 25, 2009
    yes, it's true. 9/10/11 at 12:13. thank you, facebook, for somehow giving me a reason to stop back here.
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  • ‘this is who i am..’
    April 28, 2009
    '..all the places that i've been, the fondness and regret, every love that i've been in. and i've played all the characters; the fool, the friend, the wife..' i've no need for this place anymore. if you know where to find me, you already have. i'm moving on to bigger and significantly better thin...
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  • ‘walked a thousand miles..
    December 13, 2008
    ..just to slip this skin.'   Rayen, my chilean rose hair tarantula, just finished her first moult with me. she got so much prettier! i didn't see that as possible! sadly, i couldn't repair the torso on the exuvium, but the display didn't come out too bad. i'm a bit disappointed by it, but ma...
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  • rainstorms and moving on..
    November 8, 2008
    i am still dying to have the internet at my new place. i say new like it is. it's not. it's been months now. it's lived in and scattered, just like my life. but i still do so adore it. i'm not alone there anymore. not like i was. care for a tally? one ferret.…
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  • excuse me,
    September 13, 2008
    excuse me, step back for a second i'm not who you remember. it was never enough to simply grow up. so i didn't. i grew out and in around and down. silently, proudly, loudly and shyly. i still refuse to pick a road an avenue, an outlet. i'd rather blow through dead end after dead…
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