Older than I used to be. Online diaries since '00.
Love books, indie music & drawing.
But also other shit like playing games on my phone and Netflix.
Recovering from pretensions. See above.

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(mostly) radical honesty

May 2, 2024
Somewhere between here and DFW International, sometime around 2 a.m., we’re traveling down the interstate.  I’m cursing myself for forgetting my glasses because, for miles, we’re stuck behind this tow truck with huge, backward-facing, orange-strobing lights. They seem like overkill, out of balanc...
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Recent Entries

  • Eurydice
    March 19, 2024
    The table next to my recliner is literally overflowing with books - several volumes of poetry, two nonfiction reads about comedy, Eugenides and Pynchon*, and various books about symbolism. The pile has become unwieldy. I’m about halfway through half of them, and desperately need to finish and she...
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  • corners & edges
    March 14, 2024
    I’ve been thinking about lines lately. A couple of weeks ago he told me a story about a woman, something truly abhorrent that I won’t repeat here. We both mourned her, this stranger, who suffered some of the worst things imaginable. In return, I told him about a friend living overseas. She is str...
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  • time loop
    February 27, 2024
    I had one of those indescrible moments today, where the curtain slides aside and you feel like you’re seeing something you shouldn’t. I’m chalking it up to a conflux of influences, not the least of which is that I’m still a little high, the result of consuming an edible at 5 am (pain). Emotionall...
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  • little sisters, kidnappers, sleep demons
    February 21, 2024
    At night I lie in bed, gazing out the window into our small backyard – the scattered remnants of last spring’s garden, various (long dead) potted plants, and the large cypress tree in the southeast corner. Regardless of the hour, the slice of sky I can see never fully darkens but instead remains ...
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  • sustenance
    February 16, 2024
    Climax never fully materializing, headache blooming at the back of my skull, and the distinct feeling that I was unwell without any idea as to why. Unsettled and in pain. He was initially apologetic but also soon asleep. Left once again, alone with my thoughts - all the things that sneak up at 3 ...
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  • untethered
    January 8, 2024
    The brain, which existed almost completely devoid of creativity throughout November and December, is now in recovery mode. The first week or two of this always feels a bit manic - a flood of ideas and desires that need guidance and pruning. All of it is a means of feeling more truly like myself; ...
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  • 2023 Music
    January 6, 2024
    Early last year I challenged myself to seek out more new music, both from new-to-me artists as well as from artists I already know. The songs and albums listed are in no particular order. I will say that my three favorite albums this 2023 were Feeble Little Horse – Girl with Fish, Angelo De Augus...
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  • january
    January 5, 2024
    I stay in bed when I should be getting up, getting ready for work. Ten minutes. Another fifteen. An hour in total. I am, officially, five minutes into the start of my workday before I even push up out of bed. Eventually, I put on my clothes - a casual dress, cardigan, and flats -…
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  • no good, very bad
    January 1, 2024
    Years and years ago, when we were newlyweds, we had a tight knit group of friends with whom we spent most of our free time. We got together on Sunday evenings to make dinner, drink, and visit. Threw a big party every couple of months. And, of course, we would all spend NYE together. Every…
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