Happy Easter

Happy Easter.

Tigger has developed an ass problem. Since her poop is a little on the runny side, it has caked on to her poop shoot. I’m not looking forward to cleaning it off, and I should probably shave her ass or do something to help minimize this in the future. This whole paragraph is just yucky.

Baldy the Brave is knocking on my door for food, and if I leave it open comes right in and helps himself to peanuts out of the bowl. I really should put it on the table. I’m always amazed at how a few squirrels just seem to have an extra bravery gene; it’s either that or Holey reincarnated.

I really need to finish my breakdown of the Mueller report. Also, I’ve been spelling his name wrong throughout the whole thing.

Something suspicious is going on with the squirrels. I have six who visit me multiple times a day. Four of them have a broken left front wrist. The other one has a dislocated back hip. Only one; and it’s relatively young, has no physical injuries. Baldy’s has been reinjured sometime since yesterday.

In other news, since coming off my one medication, my blood sugar is consistently high again. I have ruined my three-year streak of perfect blood sugar. My diet and exercise routine are not where they should be.

Sometimes I go back and read old entries and find foolish mistakes which show I don’t proofread anything before I post it — such a bad habit.

It turns out that Robins and Bluejays will also eat the squirrel kibble, I’m not sure how healthy it is for them, but they love it. I should post the recipe here for people who want to feed the squirrels healthy treats which they won’t burry for later.

It was so beautiful out I was able to get two walks in. It is almost time; maybe even starting this week, to go out for a walk after dinner. That’s one of the parts that helped me to managed to lose 40 lbs and get my blood sugar under control.

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April 22, 2019

I am pre diabetic but lately my numbers are a little higher


April 23, 2019

@kaliko In Canada, you are either diabetic or you’re not.  According to the US standard, I’m prediabetic as well.
Eating small meals every 4 hours, and at least one one-hour walk a day works really well for blood sugar control.
Good luck in you control.

For the record, I found the first paragraph to be hilarious and it’s what drew me in hahaha!

April 23, 2019

@jubaliee me too

April 23, 2019

@jubaliee I’m glad I could make you laugh.  😁