I didn’t cry today.

That’s a title I never thought I would write.  I’m not against crying; I do it all the time.  However, the last year I’ve been crying more and more frequently as Medhia got sicker.  Last week I cried several times a day.

The reason I’m celebrating not crying is that I found myself looking at pictures of her which were taken not that long ago.  I was sad, upset, and really miss her presence and just how soft her fur was.

Tigger gives good head licks, but Medhia’s tongue was so soft.  The way she licked was calming.

I spent the day chatting with a recently made friend on this app called Marco Pollo.  It’s kind of neat, a little strange.  I’m not used to having “one-sided” conversations.  Overall I’m really enjoying it.

The rest of my day was spent just puttering and putting off doing things.

For some reason, my garbage wasn’t picked up today.  I really need to call and complain tomorrow.

I’ve been randomly playing Xbox, and I’m enjoying it.  I have never been a gamer, but once in a while, I enjoy just mindlessly transporting to some other realm.

I started a season on a baseball game.  I should be able to finish it before I  get bored of it.

There was an oopsie today.  I accidentally spent money that was already spent in the future.   Now come the new year, I will be starting it with a negative bank account.

I feel like an idiot more than anything.  I forgot that my condo fees come out of this bank account now.  I bought a new treadmill and realized after it had shipped; no refund at that point, that I had overspent.  It’s only a few hundred dollars in the red.

Because I keep a two-to-four month supply of food on hand, there is no worry about going hungry.  I have everything I need.  I just can’t do much in January.  It’s freezing too cold to do anything anyways.

Yep, I’m feeling like an idiot, and just sad over Medhia.  Things are getting better.

The shock is still there; I’m 138 lbs.  I haven’t weighed that much since high school.  I know from the time I graduated I’ve been between 169 and 174.  Now in the last six months, and after giving up sugar, I’ve lost an incredible amount of weight – very easily.

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
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December 28, 2017

That’s what I need to do. Give up sugar. Kudos to you for accomplishing that. Awesome. 😃

December 28, 2017

Thanks @tx. I needed to use Wellbutrin to help kick the cravings. But now I’m sugar free. Just cutting out the refined sugars made a huge difference. Go for it! Do it! I dare you! LOL 😉

December 28, 2017

@axalotal Wouldn’t that entail reading ingredients to see if sugar was in it. Do you have to eliminate it all and not just the obvious stuff like a donut?

December 28, 2017

@tx I didn’t go hard core. I eliminated things like soda, “junk” foods. Even still, I have the odd Dr Pepper or some chocolate.

Most people seem to want to go to an extreme rather than making a lifestyle choice that is easy to manage for them.

I didn’t put too much thought into it. Just simply drastically reduced eating somethings and tried my best to cut others out completely. It’s a process that’s individual, not a one-fix fixes all.

My protein bar at breakfast has sugar. I still eat it everyday. What I don’t do is then add pop and a bag of skittles.

A new year is coming up, a great time to start an easy to work through plan to change your diet. Just do it one day, one step at a time. Make it easy to manage and small changes. You will get there.

December 28, 2017

@axalotal I did something similar to that once. I eliminated anything white. I lost 60 lbs. that year. It is a good method. Gotta factor in the importance of perseverance and determined focus.

December 28, 2017

@tx Congratulations! Whatever works for the person is what they should do! For years people told me what to do and it didn’t work.

Yes, perseverance and determination are important. That’s where the Wellbutrin came in.

Self-discipline is finite. That’s where the chemical help was able to support what I already had.

The last two years have seen six major tragedies. There wasn’t any will power left. Yet, the determination was there. Thus, going in to 2018 I am the healthiest I have been in at least a decade.

Keep doing what you’re doing. It has proven to work for you! Good job! Remember to treat yourself. You earned it.

December 28, 2017

@axalotal I am on Wellbutrin so I hope it helps me same way as it did you. Since that weight loss I accomplished I have unfortunately gained it back. I will once again try in 2018. I have been on Wellbutrin for couple months and at 1st I did lose some weight. With all the holiday goins on I’m afraid to weigh so I’ll do that 1st day of 2018. Thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement. 😃

December 28, 2017

@tx Wellbutrin doesn’t have the same effect for everyone. Some it curbs cravings, while in others it makes them stronger.

So things didn’t work out. What’s important is that you keep trying. As long as you don’t give up you have not failed.

One thing that helped me is finding an easy eating routine.

Protine bar for breakfast

Hol Foods shake for lunch

A good dinner – healthy but not “diety”

Bedtime snack – usually a couple of apples

I like it because breakfast and lunch take less than five minutes each. Dinner I can eat whatever I want as long as I don’t go crazy.

All you can do is find something that works for you. It may take some time. Just keep plugging away. Fad diets are great for getting ideas, but very few people have long term success on them.

Focus on what works for you long term and start with small easy to reach goals which change habits. Come 2019 you have the potential to not only lose weight but develop a healthy lifestyle that’s sustainable and feel much better about yourself both inside and out.

December 28, 2017

((hugs)) thats a big accomplishment. It will get better.

Ahh.. negative accounts. I dont miss them AT ALL! We all make some sort of mistake like that though.

Congrats on the weight loss!

December 28, 2017

Thanks @sillysillysandee. Everyone makes mistakes. I’m more disappointed in myself for letting it happen than it actually happen. Because of excellent financial management I was able to retire early than most.

Starting off 2018 in the red, not sure what message that sends to the other 364 days. 😉

December 28, 2017

Thank you @wildrose_2 Today is hard. It was a week ago tomorrow she went to sleep for the last time. I’m trying very hard; unsuccessfully, to not replay the previous 24 hours. I really miss her.

I can now say I’m okay with her not here. Only because where she is now is a much better place for her.

It still hurts and well sucks.

December 28, 2017

@wildrose_2 It’s also hard to settle down. This was about the time Medhia gave me her last bit love. For about 10 minutes she was unsick and super loving. The best gift she could have given me.

January 2, 2018

@wildrose_2 I’m glad I had those 10 minutes too. Sadly, I still see her wiggling and crying in pain every time I pass the litter box. That’s going to take a while to get over.