I’d write but nothing is going on.

I have found it very hard to write anything since the past week I have done anything noteworthy.

It also seems the winter blues have finally caught up with me. I’m unmotivated to do anything and just increase the butt groove on my couch.

Rommate1 loved the edits I made to his article and within minutes got over 1,000 views.  Since this was the first time editing for them, I was afraid I had altered too much.  Some people don’t like how deeply I edit and even rewrite their work.

All my new camera gear is waiting for me in Hilton Head.  Just under a week.

I was looking for new straps and clasps for my camera today.  Wow, are they stupidly expensive.  I may wait until I go on a long trip before getting one.

I’m blaming OD2 for this one.  Since the max file size is 8 MB, I have been saving all my post-production photos to that size.  Roommate2 looked at it on their iPad, and it appeared horrible when blown up to a decent size.  I’m not planning on printing any of them right now, so it’s all good and really more of something to write about than a complaint.

Right now I’m torn between going to Nepal or Indonesia to volunteer.  Personally, I suspect I would enjoy Indonesia more, but it’s also about 3,000 times; not an exaggeration,  more expensive.

Volunteering costs alone is free vs $2,000 USD for every four weeks in country.  Right now it’s $2,600 Canadian.  Tack on living costs, transportation, and all the other expenses and one is much cheaper than the other.

Going to Nepal, I can use my skills.  Going to Indonesia, I get to interact with cute animals and help take care of them.

Nepal is cold, although today it’s warmer there than where I live.  Indonesia is always nice and warm plus – NO SNOW!

Well, I think I’m going to go do some rally driving.  I haven’t used my racing rig in a while.  It’s a fun way to keep busy without really accomplishing anything.

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
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March 3, 2018

Don’t let it get you down.

March 3, 2018

@dlk082244 I’m trying not to. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement.