I’m always wandering in and out of people’s lives.

I love this poem.  In a way, it describes who I am precisely.

What brought this up was a conversation I had today with my Egyptian friend.  They pointed out that I seem to always wander in and out of peoples lives when they need guidance and once they are back on track I wander out of their life.

The whole basis of this conversation came about after telling my Egyptian friend that out of everyone I have ever become friends with, they are the only one who genuinely seems to understand me on the deeper levels.  They are also one of the very few who can keep me mentally stimulated for more than five minutes.  This is why we work so well together.

Ever since grade school decades ago, I have been someone who seems to know just what to say to people who are struggling.  I have helped quite a lot of people over the years solve problems, refocus on life, or transition from crisis to happiness.  Eventually, they stop calling, writing, and wanting to hang out.  They have moved on to their next chapter, and I am always happy for them.

There have been a lot of weird instances where I didn’t know what was going on, just that the person needed someone to talk with.  I don’t know why I’m thinking about this so much today.

In exciting news, our watches arrived today, and our first orders have been filled.  We are now officially a revenue-generating company.

Cleaning went well.  I got the kitchen done, and most of the main floor minus the floors.  There is still some junk to get rid of in the living room, but that will be taken care of tomorrow.  As of tonight, I’m ahead of schedule.  That being exciting, it doesn’t include that I haven’t gone through all the cupboards and draws as I planned.  So really, I’m behind.

I believe I know why Jack Dorsey has resigned from the board of Disney and most likely about to step down from his position as CEO of Twitter.

There was a video released today of employees talking about how everything; even if it’s deleted stays on their servers, and how they have people looking at everyone’s dick pics and eagle shots.

Now, the age to join Twitter is 13, and teens tend to send naked pictures to each other.  This is child porn.  Twitter, keeps those photographs and allows people to look at them, and it has been suggested that some of those child porn pics have been “leaked” outside of Twitter.

Under the EO Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption signed on Dec 21, 2017, Twitter could have their assets frozen.  This is being looked into by the DOJ.  It’s not the only investigation underway of a Social Media company.

????, that meme is so funny on a couple of levels.  I always wonder how many of my friends understand the meaning of things like this.  Symbols will be their downfall.

Look at me; I’m using photo’s in OD2 like a champ now! ????

Lunch with my mom and her husband tomorrow.  Part of me just doesn’t want to go.  My mom and I had one of those conversations that were awkward and unpleasant.  She refuses to see HRC for who she really is, and thinks Trump is this sexist, racist, piece of shit.  So when I talk about some of the good things he’s doing; such as the EO above, I’m called all sorts of names and told to stop reading conspiracy sites.  My reply is to watch mainstream media with critical discernment and read the documents they are mentioning.

The funniest part is I’m not even a fan of Trump.  I’m liking some of the things he’s doing and seriously questioning others; just like I have with every other president and prime minister.

Wholy crap, the post I made on Twitter about Twitter and child porn got over 4,000 impressions; I have something like 110 followers. I’ve never had a tweet get a number like that.   I’m about to be shadowbanned =  badge of honour.

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


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January 16, 2018

@wildrose_2 I wanted Sanders to win as well. During the whole primary, I was talking about how HRC and the DNC were conspiring against Sanders. No one wanted to believe me at the time. Some people were even taking so far as to call me sexist.

Future proves past. A small fraction of how HRC and the DNC conspired against Sanders has come out and proved he was screwed over.

Because of what I did in my previous life; and still have friends in government, I tend to see things a little differently than those who haven’t peeked behind the curtain.

I don’t like Trump the person, but I am starting to grow to like President Trump. He is doing what he promised and draining the swamp. Some of his other polices I do not agree with at all.

If you read my Happy Hunting Owls entry, there is lots of good information in there about what’s going on. I realize it’s “old” but it has a lot of fragments that can be put together.

One of the things mentioned is “Bye @jack“, that was before all the revelations about how twitter conducts business came to light. Now Jack Dorsey has resigned from the Board of Disney; was he told to?, and I believe will be stepping down as CEO of Twitter in the near future.

And I have confirmed the DOJ is looking into several things with Twitter, including child pornography.

This is exciting. If nothing else, people should be happy that this administration is aggressively pursuing pedophiles, human and child sex trafficking.

That’s a great quote. I wanted to leave a heart, but the emoji box won’t work 🙁