Theme of the Week 5 – The most surprised I’ve ever been…

… is how President Trump has been doing.  I never expected it.

I have never been a fan of the President.  He has always struck me as goofy and strange, perhaps a little; or a lot, of a jackass.  All that being said, the things he has achieved in his first year has been outstanding.

During the campaign I lost a lot of friends; not for defending candidate Trump, but for defending the way the mainstream media (MSM) was persecuting him while HRC could do no wrong.

Back then I hoped that neither would win and some divine intervention would cause a third person to become the next POTUS.  Even his first few months in office; while ignoring MSM, I still held the thoughts he was going to destroy the world.

It turns out he is bringing about the apocalypse, just not the one most people were expecting.

Sometimes I hate that I’m starting to respect POTUS

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
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January 14, 2018

I firmly believe he has accomplished more than that useless hag could have ever dreamed of. I can’t say I’m a fan of his methods, style and persona, but he gets things done, something American politics hasn’t seen in over 50 years. Like you, I hoped for another choice (Michael Bloomberg was my wish), but the lesser of two evils prevailed here.