You went to sleep for the last time, at this time exactly one week ago – Rest in Peace Medhia – lots of videos and photo’s

On a cold December day in 2002, you came to me half frozen and encased in ice.  You were supposed to stay for 24 hours. Instead, you spent many incredible years with me.  Every day was a blessing, a joy, a cherished moment in my life.  On a cold December morning almost 15 years to the day you entered my life, you went to sleep for the last time.

Now you have crossed the rainbow bridge, are healthy, happy, and complete again.  While I weep for my loss, I beam with happiness at your gain.

Medhia, you do deserve a second line. You will get one; it may be a while.  For now here’s Wynton leading one.

You heard the trumpet of the who dat nation calling you home.  Goodspeed my love.

It was too emotional going through all these pictures and videos, and I knew where these were.  I wanted to give you a proper tribute, but I’m not emotionally there to spend the time to create the monument you deserve.

So instead, here are some photos and videos of you from the last year.

This one still makes me laugh.  Thankfully I decided to record this when I did.  It was probably my last opportunity to catch you snoring.  My goodness, you were loud.  People would hear you from across the room and wonder what that noise was.






And who could forget the great hunter you were. The squirrels you chased; and in your later years tired to, will miss chattering at you.

You loved being outdoors.  It will be strange this spring, opening the door to go clean the deck and not turn around to see you outside, stretched out enjoying the warm sun or patrolling the perimeter making sure your territory is safe from invading squirrels and chipmunks.















Or spending hours on the deck eating whatever greenery was around.  You loved your grass.  Now you have an endless supply of your favourite greens and new ones to try.  Bon Appetite!

I should also be thanking you.  Where I didn’t have any grass to mow.  You made sure that the errant grass that sprang up was neatly trimmed.

The other excellent gardening skill you had was pruning my ornamental grass to make sure it was always pretty.  You were a fantastic gardening helper.








Of course, you’re hunting skills were legendary.  Be it killing socks; I’m so disappointed I never got a video of that or protecting your domain from invading rodents and birds.

You were also good at tracking

Part of me feels like I’m making fun of you, and I am.  It’s how I am dealing with the fact you are so sick in these videos.  They were both taken about six weeks before you died.

Your gracefulness will be remembered.  Even when you were sick, you managed to carry yourself with a certain elegance and regal aura.  Also, you were a very loud drinker!




The nest next to my bed is still there.  I can’t take it apart.  It means you’re gone.  I don’t want to accept that.  It breaks my heart.

Yesterday when I got up, as usual, I went to the bathroom and sat down.  The same thing I’ve been doing for a large part of my adult life, expecting you to walk in and get your proper morning scratches.  At one point, I wanted to reach down and pet you out of habit.  Maybe you were there, and I just didn’t see you; that thought makes me cry; out of sadness and happiness.

I have a picture of you somewhere of us together in the bathroom, you looking up at me.













You were so pretty.  One of the things never mentioned is how easy you were to photograph.  You made me look good.  Even the worst pictures of you; as long as they were in focus, looked outstanding.















As I said, even a slightly burly picture could bring out the light that you had within you.

You always seemed to be paying attention and knew what was going on.  You knew more.

How many people shared secrets with you?  There are at least three people I know who spilt their guts to you throughout your life.  You were a trusted confidant.









No matter where you were, you made it your own.  You were independent, strong, wise, and beautiful.  Yes, you also looked really pretty.

You were what a human refers to another as “the complete package.”




















Good night my love.  Sleep well.  You always enjoyed a good sleep.  Now you are at peace, happy, healthy.

You will always be missed.  You not here leaves a hole in my universe.

One day I won’t cry over you anymore.  Then I will give you the proper tribute you deserve.

I can only hope you forgive me for all the things I did wrong.  The times I got annoyed or didn’t pay you the attention you wanted/deserved.

Now I’m filled with regrets and misery.  One day that will pass.

Again, I want to thank you for that 11 p.m. night before you died spark of energy.  For a brief moment, you were your healthy self.

You gave me lots of licks and kisses, and I have that memory to help balance out those two terrible ones from the same 24-hour period.

This is goodbye but not farewell.  You will always be in my heart thus a part of me.






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December 29, 2017

What a beautiful tribute to her, how gorgeous she is! Sorry that she is gone, but you have many fond memories and nice that you have such great pictures and videos.

December 29, 2017

She also reminds me very much of my daughter’s cat Spike, who sadly is also no longer with us, but looked like he could have been her twin!

January 2, 2018

Thank you @thediarymaster. It was a sad week. But she is better now. I actually had a dream she was a tiny grey kitten. Part of me hopes that she has been reborn to bring another family all the love and joy she brought me.

Someone else said the same thing about her cat. Maybe we have cat cousins.

December 29, 2017

I’m so so so sorry for your lost my dear…

January 2, 2018

Thank’s @mumiah. It was difficult but now she is healthy and happy and that’s what’s most important.

I actually had a dream she was a tiny grey kitten. Part of me hopes that she has been reborn to bring another family all the love and joy she brought me.

haha as I wrote that Hallelujah came on the radio.

Enjoy Paris!

December 29, 2017

You have such wonderful memories. Something to look back on and eventually smile, Medhia was very lucky to have you and you were very lucky to Medhia. Rest peacefully sweet kitty and lots of strength your way @Axalotal

January 2, 2018

Thanks again @sillyslillysandee she really was some thing special. She’s healthy and happy. That’s all that truly matters in the end. She passed away knowing she was loved.

December 29, 2017

@Axalotal: Beautiful Tribute, She was/IS still so pretty. BigHugs and thanks so much for sharing, it’s also a way to heal!! 🙂

January 1, 2018

I can find no words.

January 2, 2018

@tx It was a sad week. But she is better now. I actually had a dream she was a tiny grey kitten. Part of me hopes that she has been reborn to bring another family all the love and joy she brought me.

Thank you for all your comments they helped.

January 4, 2018

So sorry about your kitty, she is beautiful.