give me a break.. (political rant)

I’ve come out of my hole of silence, to once again write a political entry where I couldn’t anywhere else. And though no one responds to these things, I, yet again, digress to fulfill my temporary desire of political rambling…

Give. Me. A. Break.

Typing away, as I usually do, when what to my wandering eyes should appear – but good ol Mike Seaver from Growing Pains. I’ve given kudos to the guy (Kirk Cameron), who’s really stayed true to Jesus… Yeah, he pulled some crazy radical stunts when he first became a Christian, and tried to mess up growing pains, but whatever, but for the most part, for being in actor, he’s stayed true to his ideals.

The liberal media, and world, bless its heart, decides to ask Kirk what he thinks about homosexuals.

So let’s take back, and just put down a few things about Kirk that we know, WORLD, because apparently common sense and observation is RARE these days. So let’s let me, some small town 22 year old kid spill it out for you.

(1) Kirk Cameron is an evangelical Christian.

If that doesn’t spoil for you what the answer is, I don’t know what will.

(2) Kirk, as a Christian, should therefore be reading, accepting, and believing Genesis through Revelation, which any accurate Bible scholar will tell you, from a Biblical standpoint, it is proven that God, and Jesus, and fundamental Christianity teaches that homosexuality is unnatural, and disobedient to God’s original intentions (most plainly described in Romans). Granted, there are more liberal churches allowing it, doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong, just means that some Christians are more capable of compromising their faith (scary thing, really, if you think about it – what else will the compromise?). 

A little research into Kirk Cameron reveals that he is more than likely a fundamental Bible reader who will think that homosexuality is wrong.

Which brings us to the meat and potatoes of why the media REALLY wanted to know Cameron’s stance, so they can bash them for it. This is what irks me. From an unbiased, objective point of view.

What people think?! UGH, I can’t tell you how pissed I was that day when "Oh no! KIRK disproves of homosexuality! He’s intolerant! He’s THIS, he’s that." It’s like STOP WHINING people.

Who said YOU have to listen to celebrities in the first place. What pisses me off most is that for some reason, suddenly Hollywood became in charge of our ethics, our trends, our everything. There were a few big wigs in Hollywood that put out a few good movies applauding the LGBT movement, so suddenly as Americans, its our right to hold that banner up?

Is it really too far off for me to think that if Hollywood put millions of dollars towards a Fundamental Christianity movement in movies, that suddenly we’d put that banner up? No, I don’t think that is. But because we have this sad pathetic trend of following Hollywood where it leads us like a happy dog on a walk in the park. We’re so obsessed with every new trend, every new speech, every new public endorsement that it sickens me. When I have to go online and see a headline about Britney’s latest escapade with a picture of her fake body as the top headline, and then read the death toll of our troops overseas as the 3rd sub headline down, something is wrong. Completely wrong. The fact that some people even give a crap about the latest drama of a rich person on the western slab of the USA is just mind blowing to me.

So when Kirk Cameron is concerned about the eternal destiny of people who’ve chosen their lifestyle, and flat out says, "I love them. I don’t approve of their practice, but I still love them." And people want to get wedgies over it, as one of my favorite comedians say, "Put a helmet on."

And KIRK’s intolerant?

It’s about time some people start eating their own words, it’s so illogical and backwards that bash Christians all the time and say, "You’re intolerant, you’re narrow minded, you discriminate," when ironically the nay-sayer to the Christian is quite intolerant of the Christian’s beliefs, narrow-minded on WHAT they believe, and by their words and actions are discriminating the Christian.

Give me a break people.

If you’re all for pluralistic society, relative thinking, and all about being entitled to ones own opinions, then for the love, let the Christians have their say. If 12 people who ran and hide while Jesus was on the cross were able to turn around and die the same way for what they believed, there had to be some truth, some value in the teachings of Jesus.

Just expressin my freedom of speech.

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March 12, 2012
