The Return of Mary

  Shortly after Halloween, Chrissy and I were talking and she announced that she was thinking about going to Art School in Colorado. I had always told people I planned on moving to Colorado after High School to work as an apprentice under my Uncle Steve as a photographer. Unfortunately for me I went to school for photography just as everything started going digital, so all of my experience in the dark room had quickly become antiquated. Chrissy was working for one of the last professional artist dark room developers on the Island and even now they were struggling to stay afloat.

  My uncle’s business had changed with the times. He went from photograph to huge Audio Video presentations for clients. However, I would have nothing to bring to the table to bring to that field so I wasn’t going to impose on him. However, ever since my brother started bartending, I was learning the ins and outs of running a bar and became intrigued. I had been saving up money and had the idea of opening my own someday. Why not in Colorado? I told Christine if she did want to go to Colorado that I would go as well. One of the few things that prevented me from moving was the idea of not knowing anyone.

  By now it was clear that Chrissy and I were not going to work out. It was clear she was a huge flirt and it made me uncharacteristically jealous. Maybe back then I thought that one day she’d come to the realization that I’d be a great guy for her and the two of us in Colorado would help her see that.

  We both agreed to save money in the coming months and move there before the fall semester of the following year. I had a good chunk of money saved up which I figured I would use to help start a new business. Wishful thinking made me think this was a good idea.

  To help save even more money, I had the great idea to get a second job over the holiday season  as an overnight  stock guy at a toy store in the mall I already worked at. By now, Priscilla had quit Penney’s and managed the book store across from the Toy Store and l would socialize with her in the hours after the mall closed.

  The job was easy. Each day there would be a truck delivery. I only worked the last hour the store was open until the last box of the day’s shipment was unpacked and put on the shelf. The job itself was uneventful except for the fact I always wanted to work in a toy store and that one night I knocked a toy tea set of a shelf onto this poor little girl’s head. She didn’t cry, she was just stunned.

  The one drawback was it was a lot of hours to work both jobs at the same time. Luckily it would only be for a month. The entire month  my schedule only gave me one day that I had off from both jobs and I was going to spend the whole day sleeping. It didn’t turn out that way.

  Around 10 O’clock in the morning I got a phone call. It was Mary. Leave it to her to ruin things yet again. Unlike Azuree, Mary joined the army and it took. After she moved away back to New Jersey, I had only seen her once and that was when I met up with her in the city because she wanted me to meet her boyfriend Luke. I really thought that would be the last time I saw her ever.

  She informed me that she was flying in for a few days to visit her family in New Jersey. I asked her why she was calling me. She told me that she was flying into the local airport to see me and wanted me to pick her up. I told her that it wouldn’t be possible. She then said she wanted to see me so she would take a taxi to my house. I told her not to, because I wouldn’t be there. She said she was coming anyway and asked for my address. I wouldn’t give it to her. She said she’d find it anyway. I wished her luck.

  Almost an hour and a half after she landed the phone rang and it was Mary and her taxi driver, they were driving around the neighborhood trying to find my house. They found the block already but couldn’t find the house. I felt bad for the driver so I told them the address.

  When she got to my house, she informed me that the airport lost her luggage and that she called them from the cab and gave them my address to drop it off. Really?!?!  My plan was to take her directly to the train station so she could go to New Jersey to see her family. I knew my parents weren’t too keen on seeing her, so I called Matt telling him I was coming over and I had a surprise for him. If I had to suffer Mary, so was he. By the tone of my voice he guessed it was something he didn’t want and told me no. We went anyway. He was staying at his Dad’s place which was within walking distance, which was good because I had told Mary I had no car.

  Mary had made T-Shirts with the funniest looking picture of herself that said “You can do it!” and gave one to both Matt and I (Erin loved it so much she "borrowed" mine. Matt and I ritually burned his on New Year’s). After visiting Matt and looking at photos from his Europe trip we told Mary that I had to take her to the train because we had plans that night. She insisted on coming so she could see everyone. Our plans were to only go bowling, and she wouldn’t leave. She ended up hanging out until the end of the night when I drove her to the train station.


n>Surprisingly, she was very well behaved the entire night, until we got to the train station. We missed the last train and the next train wasn’t due for almost 2 hours. I wanted to just drop her off and let her sit in the station, but the door was locked after hours. So I let her sit in the car while I tried to sleep. She was bored and asked me if I wanted to ‘bump uglies’. “What?!?! No.” I told her. Here was the old Mary.

  “But I’m so horny” she said. I told her I didn’t care.

  “Do whatever you want, just leave me out of it.” And she did. She dropped her pants and stated playing with herself. I’d like to say I was a gentleman and ignored her, but I’d be lying. She had gained a little weight since I last saw her, but she looked fantastic. It was so hot. For me, who hadn’t been getting any and who hadn’t done anything sexual in a car since Dena, I found myself actually enjoying this. This may have been the event that would turn me into ‘a closet perv.’ Before now, I didn’t even feel comfortable watching porn, but I liked this. She asked if I wanted to join in, but I still said no. I showed great restraint. I actually kicked her out of the car before the train would come, just so I could go home and masturbate on my own.

   The day after she left, her luggage came to my house. I told her I was going to be at work the day she was going to pick it up, which was on her way to the airport for her trip home. My mother told me Mark was the one who stopped by to pick it up with her. Odd.

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