
In the deepest part of my heart, I know that Andy and I probably aren’t “meant for eachother”.
But in a very close second deepest part, I know, that, even if we aren’t perfect for eachother, I would be perfectly happy settling for him.

(side note: just to be clear…I don’t mean to imply a negative connotation by using the word “settling”. And I certainly don’t believe people are actually “meant for eachother” – thus the air quotes; I think certain people have what it takes to fit the persona of being “meant for eachother” because they love eachother enough to have that defining relationship – and I think most compatible couples can have that, IF they love eachother and they both want it and work for it…and while some relationships take less work than others, I don’t think there’s any one perfect relationship that was just “meant to be”) (although I could be wrong)

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