
I really don’t have anything special to write about.  I’m bored. Maya and I are waiting for Paige to wake up from her nap and then.. we’re off.. lol.

We’re going to my sister’s house, then either my grandma’s or my aunt’s (yes Jenn, your mama!) to pick up some newspapers.  I need packing material.. Then I’ll be able to continue my frenzy..

My uncle has brought me really great boxes from his work the last two days and today brought over a tape gun.. it’s like industrial once i get those newspapers i’ll be alllll set.

My friend Jessica just called.. she’s got me thinking about this job thing again.. Now that i’ve just signed a STUPID year lease.. we’re basically stuck here for the next year.. all moving plans will be postponed til next summer.. which was basically our original plan anyway. 

I just wish I could get a freaking job already!!!  I know, look at me, 3 days off from my long term and i’m already going crazy!  I am a person that needs to work.  I am a person who needs to shop.  I need to have a steady income. I need a full time TEACHING job!  gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  It is so frustrating!

Keep that in your thoughts/prayers.  A job for me for the next school year..

ok we’re off…

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June 6, 2007

it’s amazing, isn’t it? you hear of such a need for decent teachers and such…and then grand teachers like you have to look and look…my friend was like that, she’s still subbing and she graduated 6 years ago…it’s just a sad situation. i hope you find something fabulous!

June 6, 2007

I know its hard as hell to find a decent teaching job up here.

June 6, 2007

:o( good luck!