
On Wednesday, I went to a hip hop show at The Crocodile with Paco, Dave, Chad and Courtney.

In case you were wondering, just because you’re having vodka sodas in a tall glass (logic: more water, takes longer to drink) does not mean you will escape a hangover.

It was a great time and we danced and drank and Courtney and Chad made a spectacle of themselves drunkenly. As per usual.

They have this routine where they get shitfaced, claim they are okay to drive home, we don’t let them (duh), but we give them a ride back to their place and somehow between leaving the bar and getting to their apartment, they are fighting and Courtney runs inside and locks the door and Chad comes back to Paco and Dave’s to stay the night.

Every. Single. Time.

I could not handle being in a relationship like that, but you know, some people thrive on drama like that.

They’re moving to Wyoming in a month together, too… so clearly something is working out right with them.

Wyoming? Yeah, Wyoming. For the snow and the moose. Mooses.


Paco and I had awesome sex that night which included some ass slapping, which is the kinkiest thing we’ve ever done. Yeah yeah, boring to some of you, but it works for us. So that happened.

Didn’t get to sleep until 2:30am, and had to wake up at 7am. I woke up drunk. Like legit I-shouldn’t-drive drunk. But alas I did drive, straight home, where I texted my boss that I was suffering from stomach ailments and then proceeded to sleep until 2pm.

What a fucking bum.

I suck sometimes.

But seriously I felt like I was going to die. I thought I was dead. Especially in the morning.

Paco and I were supposed to have a solo night last night but I texted him around 6pm and said that if he wanted to, he could come over late and sleep with me.  It still allows him lots of Paco time, with the added bonus of slumbering with yours truly.

He came over at 10:30p and we had once-again mind-blowing sex, although this time was less kinky and more love-making.

Sexy Paco.


My crazy cat got out around 8pm last night because I didn’t shut my door completely, so she pushed it open and ran away. She does this sometimes but she’s never stayed out all night.

Usually I will pop the screen out of one of my windows, and crack the window open, and she will get to the window from the roof and come back in. But recently, because she had clawed the shit out of my screen and broke a hole in it, Paco made me a new screen that was slightly too big for the opening and now cannot be popped out.

So no window access for Kona.

There’s a window on the other side that I popped the screen out of, but I wasn’t sure she would know to come in through that window.

I left the door open a crack until I finally couldn’t stay awake anymore, around midnight. Shut the door, and hoped for the best.

I slept like shit, because I was so worried about her.

She’s an inside cat with short-lived outside privileges. (I don’t even want to tell you how many times it took me to spell "privileges" correctly.) But she does not stay outside for very long.

And then, this morning when Paco was getting ready for work, I look over and the little shit is walking over to my bed like she didn’t just spend the entire night outside.



She is grounded.


Tonight is date night! Paco and I are going to a snowboarding movie premiere. Dinner before, then premiere. It’s a private premiere so it will be intimate and industry-only folk. I am representing Superheroes Management, as my boss can’t make it tonight.

Will be fun.

I’m on my period so it’s a good thing we got all those awesome sexes in recently. When I go off my pill to start my period every month, my sex drive goes through the roof. BC pills just kill my libido. Stupid BC.


Saturday is Oktoberfest so I will be drinking beer and hoping like hell I don’t run into Psycho Stalker, as that is one of my fears every time I go to public events.

It’ll be fun though, Dave and Paco have a friend in town from highschool so we’ll be palling around with him for most of the weekend.

The Sunday sunday sunday is FOOTBALL. No early games on Sunday thank god. Seahawks play at 1:30pm and the Bears play sunday night football.

I am very happy about this because I do not prefer to go to a dark bar at 9am to watch the Bears play football. It’s fun, don’t get me wrong, but I prefer to go to bars at the normal times. In the evening.


Then Monday starts my detox diet. It’s so weird, I FEEL good… I don’t feel fat, but I’ve gained several pounds in the last couple months. SEVERAL. I do not like seeing the scale go above that mark that I’m not going to mention here. It’s in the forbidden territory and that will change. Mark my words.

So starting monday my meals will be like this:

– tea tea tea

– 10:30am: blueberry and almond milk shake

– 1pm: spinach salad with cucumber, carrots, red onion, sunflower seeds, avocado and a dressing made of carrots, shallots, ginger, olive oil and rice wine vinegar

– snacks: sunflower seeds or pepitas, as many vegetables as I want

– 6pm: baked fish with kale or spinach

– dessert or night snack: frozen blueberries, sunflower seeds or pepitas


Yep. No bread or sugar. Except I’m probably going to still drink on the weekends. Vodka sodas.

It’s pretty difficult to sustain but I am going to try to do it definitely on the weekdays and cheat minimally on the weekend.

Then you know what happens? I GO TO FUCKING MEXICO.


I can’t fucking wait.


Life is pretty good right now.

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September 20, 2013

The menu looks good! I also like tall singles – vodka soda in a pint glass is the best. So refreshing!

September 20, 2013
September 21, 2013

HEY, WE HAVE SNOW AND MOOSES UP HERE YOU KNOW. Ha, I think I’ve seen 4 moose in my lifetime. They’re fucking huge. And stupid. And hilariously awkward. Moose.