Car and woman problems

I had a pretty rough weekend lol. To start with, my car was acting funny throughout the week. Even though I had put in fresh coolant, the car was constantly running hot. I was on my way to work last Monday, when I had to pull over twice just to let the engine cool down. I took it to the Sears auto center and wanted to get an oil change. Turns out, their machine wasn’t working for the day, so I had to get the synthetic oil instead. Thankfully, the trip home was uneventful.

Since my car was acting up, I drove the truck to work Tuesday. I left work early enough so I would have enough time to drop the car off at the shop before it closed. I went by the mechanic’s place; I didn’t see his car, so I turned around and went home.

I had planned on dropping the car off at the shop Wednesday, but my car wouldn’t turn over. Eventually, I had the car towed before I could go to work.

I had no issues driving the truck to work Wednesday. I worked from 1-8ish and started making my way home. I started to pull out of the parking lot when I felt the truck extremely difficult to turn. That’s when I noticed the battery light coming on. The light flickered on and off for a few miles. I didn’t realize how the serpentine belt can cause everything to go haywire. My temperature gauge went from cold to hot in seconds, and I was greeted with “Check Coolant Level” and “Engine Overheated”. I was able to stop at a Quiktrip, fortunately. I sat in the parking lot for at least an hour and a half. To make matters worse, my phone was dying on me. I tried to charge it up using the car charger, but it will only charge in weird positions.

I was finally able to have my car towed. Since I had Friday off, my mom and I spent the day in the house heh. I was supposed to go out with a friend of mine Friday, but since neither one of us had a working vehicle, plans were scrapped.

My aunt had to take me to work Saturday and Sunday. My uncle came by Saturday to take a look at the truck. Not only was the serpentine belt needed to be fixed, but one of the pulleys had to be replaced as well. He also mentioned that it would be better to have the battery charge overnight at the local Auto Zone.

Meanwhile, my aunt’s mechanic told us what was going on with the car. Turns out, one of the radiator hoses was leaking, the brake line on the driver’s side was leaking, and he would need to replace the old battery. He kept insisting he was close to finishing the car. My aunt and I waited for three hours before finally deciding to wait until the morning to pick up the car.

Since I didn’t have to be at work until 5, I figured I would get the car back Saturday morning. Unfortunately, he came down with the flu and was unable to even start on my car :-(.

Fast forward to Monday. I took the day off from work hoping he would finally have the car finished up. All day, he said it wouldn’t take long to finish. All he needed to do was fix the brake line, and the car would be ready to go. My aunt and I waited all day, but alas, the car wasn’t ready to be picked up. Finally, he was able to finish the car today. I can already tell it’s driving 100x better, and it has working AC for the first time in years lol.

Moving on.

Tori’s wedding is this Saturday. I’m supposed to pick up her mom and escort her to the wedding since her boyfriend didn’t want to drive her. In his words, “If I didn’t go to my son’s wedding, why should I go to your daughter’s wedding?” He also has a “thing” for Tori too. He is constantly jealous of any guy who shows her any attention, and has made several advances on her while she was living with him. She even told me he thought we were sleeping together smh.

I also have to write about a girl who I eventually cut out of my life. She works at a local Zaxby’s, and I used to go there for lunch all the time when I worked at Aaron’s. She was younger than me, but we eventually got to know one another in time. She always knew what I would order and would always greet me warmly. We eventually exchanged numbers and just casually talked for a while. We tried getting together for lunch, but something came up on her end, so we tried to reschedule. I was still working two jobs at the time, so I barely had any free time. We eventually drifted apart until we ran into each other a couple of weeks ago.

We spent about 30 minutes catching up, and she told me she would be off on a four day weekend. We made plans to go out to dinner or maybe go bowling the following night. We even talked about how it would be great to be together as a couple. Saturday rolls along, but I hadn’t heard anything from her all day. I sent her a courtesy text and asked her if we were still on for that night. She told me, “I want to say yeah, but I’m with my sister and friend.” She knew I was getting off at 9, so I really needed to know if we were going to get together or not. Eventually, I went home and spent the rest of the night relaxing.

I didn’t hear from her for days, so I eventually deleted her from my facebook and my phone. I figured the least she could do was send a text/call the following day apologizing and offering to reschedule. Four days later, she sends me this text out of the blue…”Sorry for being flakey again. But I need you to know I just see us as friends and don’t want to send you the wrong signals.” *rolls eyes*

I left the message in my phone for a few days. I tried to figure out what to say to her, but I decided I would just cut to the chase. I wrote back, “I don’t consider you a real friend. Adios.” It wasn’t worth my time investing anymore in this “friendship” because she would rarely text me back. I’m talking about one word texts or taking several days to text me back. Besides, I don’t need anymore female friends. Personally, I think she feels it was a game for her.

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Glad your car got fixed in the end! That must be a huge relief. Possessive people aren’t that fun to be around… Now I know what Zaxby’s is. lol. That girl should’ve been upfront instead of acting the way she did. *hugs* Thanks for your note. And I’m enjoying getting to know you. =)

April 2, 2013

You’re 100% right. And wow, I smiled when you texted that message back to her–you nailed her. (I wish you would have seen that coming sooner, though.) Some women get off on collecting guys and treating them like crud, all in order to raise social value. It reflects deep insecurity.

Just wanted to say hi. =) *hugs* Hope you’re having a great day so far!

April 4, 2013

That’s a lot of car trouble. Oddly enough, David has been having a ton of issues with his car as well. And he just got his car worked on too. And he was all excited because he finally has a working heater now. Which is funny since your AC just got repaired. Tori’s mom has a jerk for a boyfriend. Just saying. I think maybe that girl was just really unsure of what she wanted. Maybe she just didn’t know what to say. But oh well. It’s water under the bridge now and maybe you should be thanking her for standing you up since … well… look how things are turning out LOL… she actually did you a big favor! 🙂