
If those f*ckers knock on the door one more time I’m going to be making an angry call to the front desk. Seriously, they are in here every fifteen minutes asking me some stupid question. Once a day, ladies, once a day. Oh and they’re all terrified of Baby Noodles. Would you be terrified of a dog named Baby Noodles? “oh I scare!” I think in the countries they came from the prison guards in their labor camp terrorized them with dogs. Their fear is pathological. I didn’t think I would have to do it, but the “do not disturb” sign is permanently up on the door. Every time I look over there I see some dumb card slipped under the door. “Please call us if you would like turn down service.” Uh yeah, my quadriplegia just kicked in, can you come turn down the bed for me? Get out of here!Today was all rainy and cold so I decided it would be a shut in afternoon for me. I’m such a closet shut in. It would be all too easy for me to develop agoraphobia. I worked more on the new script. I went to the optometrist downstairs. She had this great French accent and did one hell of a job checking my glasses prescription. On Monday I’ll be getting new lenses and kissing my eyestrain headaches

good bye! I’m so proud of myself, I didn’t even faint during the dreaded “glowing blue stick” glaucoma test. Apparently I have some kind of vestigial nerve that causes me to faint if anything touches my eye for a prolonged period of time. It’s a primitive response designed to protect the eye. I was delighted to discover that a few years back in the optometrist’s office. Not only do I need glasses, I’m apparently not fully evolved.Queen Elizabeth is here and I am so stoked! I can not understand for one minute all this talk about ending the royalty. QEII is fabulous! I think I first fell so deeply in love with her when I learned about her ritual awarding of ceremonial money pouches to those of her subjects who had performed particularly generous acts of volunteer work. She is constantly taking time to recognize people for good works. Plus the all the accessories. They should make an action figure of her!Yesterday on the set the kids were playing some kind of game where they had to list their worst fear. Macaulay’s was that when he’s 80 people will still be asking him to make the “Home Alone face.” Eva said that she’d be seen as, “living in her parent’s shadow.” Mine was that this would be the last film I’d write that would get produced. Fear’s a funny thing. I kind of like Macaulay’s game. It’s like taking your worst fear, getting it out there and then laughing about it.I probably should have put this at the beginning. But here’s a clip from what we shot yesterday. It’s from my crappy DV cam, so there you go. It’s a scene from the first day of school where all the seniors are in an assembly. The pastor has just asked those who want to to come down to the front and get Saved. Cassandra (Eva), the only Jewish girl at a Christian high school, jumps up and starts speaking in tongues… until Hilary Faye busts her. It’s just under 600k. So you know… Oh if you don’t have the quicktime player you’ll need to download it.

Top five:

1. Shooting downtown tomorrow. So no driving to the set, I can walk!
2. Getting work done on the new script.
3. Watching the Royal Canadian Mounted Air Force flying over the city in honor of her majesty.
4. I know they’re not the Mounted Air Force… I just like the image of horses inside fighter jets.
5. At least the do not disturb door hang has stopped the flow of housekeeping interruptions.

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I know this from experience: “Third World”-born guest quarter hospitality staff (f*cking maids) have been given a specific job they believe they must do, no matter what. Where they’re from, if you don’t perform your duties — and even if you are asked not to by a patron — you could be hauled off to a Mexican jail and locked away in a roomful of beagles.

October 6, 2002

Maybe you should put a spiked black leather collar on Baby Noodles, and adorn his mouth with some fake blood. Then yell, “Get her, Baby Noodles, like the last one!” Watch them run. ::chuckle::

i agree with silent signal…that would be good!!

i cant get the movie to play at all…any clues??

Since the movie is in Apple Quicktime, I can’t run it. Drat. You should get a spiky collar for BN. 😉

ryn: thanks..downloading it now…and yes..the truck does exist if you are referring to the one on my dd page. its a dodge powerwagon prototype. being shown at a few car shows. not to be released until 2004 but still a sweet ride that looks like a shark on wheels!

October 6, 2002

Everyone loves QEII, then they trash our funny money. The clip was great. I love the dead pan delivery of “hot pussy”. Excellent!

October 6, 2002

y’know… last night, i saw a clip of the queen on teevee and said to Peter: “It’s 2002 ferchrissakes, do we really need a queen?” and i’m the most patriotic shmuck you’ll ever meet! and by the way, your evolution-to-date is most impressive.

Thanks for the hookup on the program. Fabulous!

October 7, 2002
October 8, 2002

I can’t open the f*cking file. Are you going to invite me to the premiere?