mary hart’s seziure inducing voice

Well, look at that. Things have really gotten away from me here with the daily journal keeping. I’ve been busy but what’s really been keeping me off the computer has been B’s computer hogging rewrite work. Our producer S opened up several scenes for rewrites which has been a nightmare. The actors, all sensing a rewrite have been putting in their two cents. Bad acting monkey, back in the cage! Actors… feh. If I ever direct a movie I’m going to insist that all the cast at least have a college education. In the end we wind up shooting the scene as it was originally written.Our manager, fart-face, used to work for this management company that wanted to produce SAVED. We were like, uh no way. And in fact we turned down their offer to option the script because we wanted to have Single Cell produce it. Anyhow, one of the guys from fart-face’s old company is now suing Single Cell saying that there was an oral agreement to give him a producing credit. He wants money and his name on the credits. This guy couldn’t produce a turd. Oh and our gimpy manager hasn’t called him at all. What a goon. He’s so fired. David Pribyl’s (he’s such a motherf*cker he does not deserve for me to disguise his name) notes were straight out of his ass and now he wants money?! What a fucker. Can you imagine being such a parasite? Thinking that you deserved to be paid for something you had no part of. Why are people like that? People who think it’s easier to steal than to earn. It’s just shocking. It’s like this bitch-monkey who’s suing my insurance company for money from the accident that she and I were in. This third guy caused the accident but he doesn’t have any insurance so she’s suing me. I mean I know she needs money to buy a vowel for her name, but seriously. What can you do? It’s like I always say, “farts are behind me.”We’ve had visitors. B’s parents were here. B’s friend E was here. She’s amazing. She’s one of those people who can see through walls, she’s so smart. My sister was here. Now Edina is here. She’s on the phone in the other room talking to her boyfriend in Scotland. It’s been visitor crazy. I decided to treat myself to a week in a nice room since all the guests are here. I’m back on the 34th floor in a renovated room with a King Size bed all to myself. Fantastic. I just gave Baby Noodles a bath, he’s so angry. He won’t let me pet him after I give him a bath. Right now he’s curled up on the couch looking at me with pissed off disappointment.Gossip from the set. Not too much to report. The acting monkeys are doing a good job, though they tend to drive B crazy. Mary Louise is here and we’re doing all this Jena/Mary Louise stuff for the next week. We have one week left and then the week after that it’s back to reality and Loser Industries for me. Our publicist is this Vancouverite lady in her 50’s who has white Robert Smith from the Cure hair and an all black wardrobe. She peeked at me from behind her chunky black rectangle frames and proudly announced, “We’re going to be on Entertainment Tonight Tuesday.” So kiddies check your local listings, tonight on ET you’ll catch a glimpse of Mandy and Macauly in Vancouver on the set of SAVED.

top five:

1. Breakfast with Edina.
2. Noodles after a bath.
3. Saved mentioned on ET tonight.
4. Our executive at UA wants to have MGM release the movie so it can be in more theaters.
5. Things ‘n stuff.

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October 22, 2002

“See through walls”, eh? Now that is smart. (grin)

October 22, 2002

my invite must’ve gotten lost in the canadian mail system, huh? You got a shout out from Mary Hart? I’m in awe of you! I was talking you & SAVED up a storm with The Gay Mafia the other morning at brunch. We’re gonna throw you a hell of a Chicago debut, my friend!

October 22, 2002

Is Mary Louise looking any less anorexic…? Sorry, it slipped out.

October 22, 2002

Don’t go to Sanley Park at night.

October 22, 2002

I’m thinking about suing you myself, I have too many vowels in my name and I feel inadequate. You fartsniffer.

October 22, 2002

I’ll watch. Glad you’ve posted. ++

was worried about you!! is this the same a-hole who did that crap in florida??? the one you had the entries months back on? glad all is well…hope noodles is dry and happy with you again!

October 23, 2002

Ack! I wish I’d read this yesterday, I would have watched ET

D’oh! I missed “ET”, too!

October 27, 2002

I like the view from #1 of your top five just as much as I loved the view of Van from the 34th floor. Sweet times.