Baby Birds *pics*

My appointment went well yesterday. Baby Kenzie is measuring right on track. I’m scheduled another ultrasound on the 19th of July, just to check growth, and then I have a doctors appointment right after that. I’ve gained some weight, but Dr. says I’m still in the negative. Eh, at least I gained some. I’ve gained about 8 pounds since my last visit. I’m sure my next visit I’ll have packed on the pounds, I’m guessing at least ten.

Jess’s appointment went okay. The bad news in his bone cancer has spread, but the good news is they are going to give him a round of raditation, and more chemo after that. So they aren’t ready to give up either. I’m very happy about that.

We finally got a few good days of rain last week, after no rain for over a month. The sad thing is the strom knocked down the purple martin nest, and their babies. I thought they were dead and sent Chris outside to pick them up, because I didn’t want to dogs to eat them. The purple martins kept dive bombing the dgos though, which was odd, and Chris said he could see the babies breathing. They have feathers but I wonder if they’ll be able to fly when the time comes. We put a chicken fence do dad around the babies so the parents can get in, but the dogs can’t hurt them. Sam is very interested, a new toy prehaps he thinks.  The babies keep moving though, so I have to keep moving the fence, and it’s fine on these days off I’ve had but when I’m not here who will protect them. There is a pack of 7 or 8 purple martins (all bred under our house) that fly over and peck at passing birds, while the parents tend to their young ones.

And no neither Chris or I have touched the baby birds, we know if we do the parents will abandon them.

Here are pictures of the baby birds you can just see this one’s little beak

they were obviously hungry, but hey my dogs gotta poop!

baby growth


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June 21, 2007

I’m glad your appointment went well! 🙂 YAY! Aww! The baby birds are SO cute! 🙂

June 22, 2007

I am glad your apt went well. Those baby birds are too cute.

June 24, 2007

I’m glad everything went well.

June 25, 2007

Aww im glad things are going well, i love the name too btw:) Wow already 20wks???!??!? time flying by or what! Cute pic’s of the birds.