Christmas Eve

Wes and Cindy will be here any minute. I worked pretty much non stop yesterday, got home around 10:30, and crashed at 1am. I made a nice chunk of money, although I had haters because of the great tips I was getting. I can’t help the extra effort I put in to a table. That’s MY money, I’ll wipe someone’s ass for a great tip! I’m hoping to pull off maybe enough money to run out and get Chris an indoor grill. I know he loves them, and in the winter time it tends to dip below grilling weather. I’m also wondering how I’m going to renew my OD plus subscription. I’m hoping the DM will renew it for me, as he did last time (for moderating), but I’m not leaning my hopes on it. I got about a month left. If anything I’ll pay 12 for 6 months and worry about it come summer. I’m getting ahead of myself, I should just see how today goes. On Christmas Eve I work from11am, to 8pm. Oh fun.

To all my friends, I love you, and I wish you a Merry Christmas, filled with love and family, and magical memories.

Joella, you sweet beautiful thang, I hope your dreams come true.

Kimmie, I hope your first Christmas with Adina is one with everlasting memories of joy.

Angel, Be strong and have a wonderful Christmas.

To a special friend, I love you sista, Merry Christmas to you, and yours.


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December 24, 2006

The DM oughta renew it for you. He did for me, and you’ve been a mod much longer than I have. Just e-mail him at the mod address.

December 24, 2006

Oh.. and Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas luv!

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas I hope santa treats you well!

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas hun! Have a good one 🙂

December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas, Sweetie! 🙂