I’m lovin’ it.

And I so am!  Macca’s is doing Monopoly overhere at the moment, so I’ve had a pig out in the hope of winning £100,000… some how I don’t think that’s going to happen!

Had an awesome first 4 days at work.  Everyone is so friendly.  On my second day I got an invite to a baby shower, and today a girl offered me the use of her car when my lease runs out in 4 months.  She said she’d drive to London, help me pack then drive everything back to Reading.  I already feel comfortable.  It’s a pity about some of the work practices though.  The machine I’m on is so old, none of the extras that are now standards on the newer machines.  Some of their techiques  are 20 years behind times, but somethimes fancier doesn’t mean a better outcome.

On Sunday me and some of the people I’m living with are going to Stonehenge.  I’m really looking forward to it.  Squirt and B said they felt something different when they were there.  Eerie, strange, undefinable.  A feeling.  I wonder if I will sense it.  Doubt it. 

EDIT: Nope.  No eeire feeling, just a very cold one.

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