More science fair

Ha, so my son had to present his science fair project to the board this past Saturday. You got 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes of q&a. He ended up getting 3rd place overall in the district fair so now he continues to not only the state fair but also to the international science and engineering fair. The dates are a little sketchy because he has his ap exams  and it’s in Atlanta but we could probably pull it off. My only other issue is that graduation is a couple days after so it would have to be a short trip. There is also a virtual option which we probably would do because we live like 5k miles away lol. This kid has unbelievable potential, but drives me nuts. He emailed the coordinator and asked if they could send the next kid instead because he has exams. The coordinator was like you can do it virtually, or they will have a place for you to take the exams there or you can pay to take the exam another day. There’s some options but it wasn’t the one he wanted. Lol. The navy picked his project for their agency away and he won the category for best software. Pretty impressive.

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I had to give the husband a regular candy bar because Walmart didn’t have a single Valentine’s Day candy in the store. Just stuffed animals balloons and flowers and junk. They had no valentines to hand out and no candy which was disappointing. Also we had lasagna. The kids and I had vegetable and the husband had regular. None of the rest of us like regular but  the veggie one was good. I’m not usually a buy premade person but I don’t like lasagna and I like making it even less 😂

Not too much going on besides that.

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