Open your eyes kid


My son forwards me this email this morning with the caption Bruh.

Hello B*****
You have placed in the District Science and
Engineering Fair and are advancing to the State Fair in March. There will be an informational meeting on February 16th for all students participating in the State Fair.
You have also been selected to move on to the 2nd
round of judging for the District Fair which
will be held this Saturday. There were only 7 projects from the district that were selected to move on to the 2nd round and the top 3 projects out of the 7 will be able to participate in the International Science and
Engineering Fair (ISEF) in May.


so I’m like wow that’s really awesome great job.
He’s like no bc someone else who actually wants to do it could’ve been picked.
He doesn’t think his project is good. (It was awesome) and doesn’t want to have it move on. He’s so frustrating to me sometimes. He doesn’t ever seem to realize that he’s really great. He always thinks someone else deserves it, never him. I’ve always tried to encourage him and brag on him and let him know he’s doing a great job but he’s always like no, no and no. I think the whole college rejection thing really made it even worse!

His science fair project he coded a whole little educational video game. He created the pixel art himself and coded the whole game (using unity which he thought himself to use on YouTube, last year he did this same  project but with a program called game maker but it had a lot of problems) himself. It’s a game to teach you about the importance of watersheds. Then he had people take a quiz about watersheds before playing the game, play the game and then take the quiz again to determine is the game was able to teach people. I’m constantly blown away by this kid. I just wish I knew how to get it through to him that he’s amazing and he deserves this credit for his work. This is the same kid that last week at the grocery store picks up the brown bananas (I won’t eat them once they have spots so i us usually buy green ones) and when I was like oh not those, they’re too ripe, he was like well someone has to buy them. Well that doesn’t mean us. Someone who likes ripe bananas or wants to make bread or something will get them but us buying them doesn’t make sense because they’ll be rotten before we eat them.
Parenting is hard man. I don’t know how to do this 😳🙈 I definitely don’t think I’m doing that good of a job, the kid always thinks he deserves the worst and should always be overlooked.

so, I’ll just be screaming inside my head all day, again, like every other day. If you have any advice on how I can build his confidence I’ll take it. I’ve been trying for 17.5 years now and have not succeeded yet. 😳😒

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February 10, 2022

It takes a lot of confidence to be that humble, and he seems to genuinely be that. Is it really a self-confidence thing?

You’re doing a great job parenting. You give him praise and validation, and you’ve obviously taught him well. How old is he again? He’s still a teenager, I believe, even if college-bound, and his confidence will come even stronger as he gets older. I know he didn’t get into the school he wanted, but maybe you can find one equally great. I know you said he deserves better than community college, but there are fabulous community colleges where he can get his gen eds out of the way with less financial burden, and perhaps be in a better place to afford the bigger university for the remainder of his degree. I know our community college has an extension attachment with four other universities in the state and people can attend the extensions at the community college rate. Do they have extension sites on base for any of the colleges? I know they do here, and again… cheaper than direct to university, get their bearings about college because that transition is scary and can destroy confidence… as well as develop bad habits cuz they are suddenly out on their own with freedoms they didn’t have before… and the education is still top notch.

Just a couple of things to consider. 🙂 Have confidence in your parenting ability. It will overflow onto him, too.

February 10, 2022

@caria he’s genuinely a really humble person. He is a minimalist too. It’s so odd because I never tought him that part, it’s just who he is. He’s always had a self confidence issue which I don’t understand.  I’ve tried to teach both of my kids to be humble, but one is over humble and the other isn’t humble at all 😂

I’ve been trying to research the area for community college programs but when I bring it up he seems so down about it. My husband actually allocated his GI bill to him to use and it would feel like a bit of a waste at a bad community college you know. I’ve never lived in the state we are moving to, the area itself doesn’t seem that great honestly. There’s is a couple of smaller universities but they don’t seem like a good fit for what he wants to do at all. He’s looking to go into engineering but it’s apparently nearly impossible to get in. I will continue to do research and see which of the community colleges has a program that will help him get into the big school. I need to find a person knowledgeable about the schools in the area!

February 10, 2022

@boring absolutely! I haven’t been reading you long enough to know about your extended family situation. Is there a relative or even close family friend he could stay with to get residency and get him to a better school with in-state fees? Maybe get him to where he wants to be?

Heck, if I had the extra room, I’d offer. I’m not too far from Northwestern lol.

February 10, 2022

@caria I actually just found out od was back last month! We actually don’t have any family that lives there and he’s got to finish high school here. He graduates in may. We are slotted to move in July or August. Technically if he would have been accepted he would be eligible for in state because he’s using the gi bill but for application purposes he had to put out of state which sucked. I’m sure it will work out, I’m just an over thinker and a constant worrier I think 😳😳

February 10, 2022

@boring something else we have in common!!! You guys got this, and wherever he winds up is where he is meant to. 🙂

February 13, 2022

There are excellent programs in community college.   Really any one close by to where you will be living would be fine.  The classes may not be quite as strict or have a hard curriculum as in the University.  Just means he will continue to get great grades which should give him some level of self confidence and feed a good self esteem.