Housing markets

My gosh the prices are insanity right now. So we currently are stationed in one of the most expensive states so houses here are crazy expensive. Like think of a shack,  but it’s a million dollars. Ya🙄

So when we moved here we had some debts and were under the idea we were only here for 3 years which is the amount of time his orders were for and how much time we usually would have at a duty station. So we moved here in mid October. I got a call a few days after telling my my dad wasn’t going to make it to Christmas, they said they were pretty sure he’d make it to thanksgiving but not Christmas which ended up being true. My husband left for 6 months of training in January and actually went with a friend and they got an apartment to save money during that time, during that time he lived where we will be moving too this summer so he’s somewhat familiar with the area. So the first year we lived here I didn’t like it at all. Hated it. I was so sad just being stuck here alone with the kids while the husband was off living his best bachelor life all while my dad had just passed away etc. It took a while but I grew to love this place. More than anywhere else we have lived before and it feels more like home than home even. So my husband got a 1 year extension and then moved to another squadron which gave us 3 more years. We are currently on a one year extension for my sons senior year of high school. His work was all for him staying but the stupid big Af says no we can’t stay here anymore. We had it all planned out. The son was going to go to college here, he got in here and offered a small scholarship even. We were going to finally buy a house and just root this as our new forever home  since he only has 4 more years left this April. Everything was going to work. Ugh. Nope, big Air Force is like screw your guys and your plans. So we again are trying to adjust but it’s just so hard. As I wrote before my son didn’t get accepted to the university where we are moving and housing costs there are insane as well. The houses are much bigger there but it’s definitely not the paradise it is here. I don’t want us to buy a 700k house there. I want a house here; I want to stay here with my kids. If just one of these places was cheaper we could potentially do it but both places are astronomical in pricing but here he gets extra money because of how expensive it is. I keep hoping for the day my husband comes home and is like they found a way for us to stay but so far no luck. There was supposed to be one more chance at asking a 4 star general but he was running late the day he came and he didn’t have time to talk with the heads at his work. Such a bummer.
I so wish we could find a way to stay while only my husband left but I know that’s just asking for trouble. I just don’t forsee is making the huge move back here after he retires there. It’s a possibility but it’s just a lot. If we had known when we moved here we were going to stay for so long we would have bought a house. Then we could have just rented it out and had a place to move back to but we just didn’t know. Sigh.  😭😭😭😭😭

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February 9, 2022

That is an unfortunately sucky part of military life – all the moving, and especially when you find somewhere you want to stay after separation. I’m sorry you’re going through this, but I will pray they find a way to give y’all another extension to you can stay and buy the house you want to make your forever home.

February 9, 2022

@caria yeah we never wanted to stay anywhere else we’ve gone and now he’s down to 4 years left and we have to move to a place my kid didn’t get into college. Blah. 4.0 student athlete , president of the ffa club and everything, not good enough. I think that’s what I’m most upset about moving. He deserves better than a community college 🙁

February 9, 2022

I can only imagine how upsetting it is to know your son has all the extra activities along with outstanding grades and still was not accepted.   I thought the military was more accommodating nowadays.  Sorry for the hassles.  😎

February 10, 2022

@tracker it is so disappointing, and I don’t have any words to make him feel better about it. There’s no logical reason he didn’t get in, you know. The military was accommodating for his senior year which was awesome. I couldn’t have moved him, we would have had to spend the year apart if they’d have made us leave last year. He went to 5 elementary schools in 4 different states so having a little stability was really awesome during his middle and high school years. Hopefully we can just get him into the community college for a semester or two and then he can transfer to the school. There’s one more big school in the area we are going but they are mostly a medical school and it’s pretty hard to get in there also, he’s applied but we don’t have high hopes, especially after he didn’t get into the first (we all thought he would). It’s just another change we’ll have to adjust to.

February 10, 2022

@boring It just came to mind that my daughter just became a university student counselor.  The department managers make a tidy salary.  She has poked around for information on how to get promoted quickly.  She has a master’s degree.  She mentioned to me that the powers that be in the university are in general old men with their frat brothers run the show in admissions eg: it is who you know not who you are.  I picture a department chairperson sitting in an office with a subordinate, maybe the nephew of a professor, sitting with a pile of applications.  The selection process more arbitrary than based on merit.   He went to all those different schools!  I thought going to 3 high schools was bad.  😎

February 10, 2022

@tracker oh for sure, if either of us had gone there he’d have had a better shot of getting in also. Next year he can try to transfer over as an in state applicant so fingers crossed. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

February 10, 2022

I do feel for you. Property squabbles suck!! I would have suggested that you maybe stay and he goes, but you did kinda touch on that in your post. I honestly do not know how you all do it living life according to where you serve etc.

Hope everything does eventually work out for you.

February 10, 2022

I cannot even imagine the frustration. I hope something comes through that will give you an optimal outcome.