Not too much

It’s been a little quiet around here lately. Nothing of any real interest happening. Normal mundane daily stuff. Daughter has been getting into skateboarding so after a month of her in the cheapest hunk of junk board that costs $20 at the bubble tea store that sells super random Japanese products, I took her and got her a Lizzie Aramanto birdhouse board. It’s cute, she’s really excited about it. She wants to go to the skate park today, we’ll see. It’s really busy on weekends and then when we are there she doesn’t get as much time to skate because some of the better skaters need the whole ramps to do big tricks. Kids are off school tomorrow so I might see if she wants to wait. Ive been taking our neighbor, he’s so adorable. He and his family are from Puerto Rico and he’s just infatuated with my daughter. She was skateboarding so he learned to skateboard, now she has a friend at the skatepark. It’s just so funny, she gets so annoyed because he’s literally always right behind her. His family is so sweet too, I do love that aspect of military life. We get the opportunity to meet so many people from all around the world. I went to Puerto Rico for a cruise a few years ago, absolutely a gorgeous place. One of the nationalities people always think I am is Puerto Rican and it was really funny to me that everyone there thought I was a local. Sadly I don’t speak Spanish 😂 I took an Uber to Walmart to look for some stuff and the driver started spouting off in Spanish and I just looked at him and he was like oh I’m so sorry I thought you were local. I’m always amazed by those able to speak multiple languages fluently. I’ve taken at least 6 years of French and can tell you my name and that I’m going to the library. Their family got the free hotel they are giving out due to the water crisis so they are in the city most weekends at the hotel so I dunno if he’ll be able to go with us if we go today. We could have gotten a free hotel too but the issue is everything we need is here, we have a cat, my business, the kids stuff including schools, my husband works the opposite direction actually, it just wasn’t worth it to us but a lot of people in my neighborhood are using the hotels. I can’t handle the insane traffic in and out of town so I’ll just keep using the water but not drinking it. I think they’ve adjust some of the chlorine levels because the itching isn’t as bad as it was before. A lot of people are still finding an oil sheen on their dishes and stuff. I’ve seen the sheen on mine as well but maybe I didn’t clean them well enough. I’ve never personally smelled fuel in my water like others have, so I feel like I’m okay. Some people are replacing all of their appliances and dishes everything in their houses. The military says you can clean almost everything with dish soap 😳 So folks, remember you clean jet fuel out with a little Dawn apparently 🙄 I feel very lucky my neighborhood was not the worst affected, only a couple of the houses tested were positive for jet fuel. Is ours contaminated? Who knows. Will we ever know? Who knows. 5-6 months until moving …. eeek

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February 6, 2022

My sister has been to Puerto Rico. 🙂 She liked it. It is quiet here too. Except for a fire drill.

February 6, 2022

@juliebear I would go back for sure! Oh man, I haven’t had a fire drill since Covid first hit and I still worked at the elementary school. Don’t really miss those 😂

February 6, 2022

@boring Me neither btw… your username.. it slays me. 😛

February 6, 2022

Dawn cleans everything! 🙂

Puerto Rico is gorgeous! I have friends who live there, and I almost did. I got accepted to the University of Puerto Rico. At one point in my life I was going to try to be a translator at the UN. I used to be fluent in Spanish, but you know what they say… if you don’t use it, you lose it. 100% facts.

February 7, 2022

@caria for sure, my son is currently pretty fluent but once he’s not using it who knows. Man, why didn’t you keep going? That would have been amazing! It really is gorgeous!! I’d live there if we could!

February 7, 2022

@boring No scholarships, and I wasn’t eligible for financial aid because they said my stepdad made too much money. I just couldn’t afford it.

February 7, 2022

@caria dang that sucks!!!

February 7, 2022

@boring Oh, it sucked huge. I’m on the 40-year college plan. I still haven’t graduated. Just can’t afford it.

February 7, 2022

@caria as a military spouse it took me over 10 years to get a 2 year degree so I feel you! I’d love to get my bachelors but it’s so hard online and transferring schools don’t take all my credits … it’s so frustrating!

February 7, 2022

@boring I hear you! Spouse of a USN retiree here. I feel your pain.