Clouds and Credits

I had originally planned to be done by yesterday, although I pretty much knew I wouldn’t be.  Fortunately, after tonight I’ll only have to composite in moving clouds into the scenes (the film takes place on a playground) and then do my opening and closing credits.  I’ll probably be working up until the presentation day, which is Thursday, but hopefully I won’t have to pull any all-nighters.  I was hoping to be done sooner so I could focus on the music that I haven’t even started yet.  I don’t even know how I want it to sound.  The film is silly, yet serious as well.  I kind of want to match that with the music but I don’t know how I’ll do it.  

I’m also terribly concerned that I might have animated everything in the wrong aspect ratio.  Once the film renders, it might cut off some of my characters or some of them might be floating in the scene.  That’s my main concern right now and I don’t know how I’d fix it if it was wrong.  Wouldn’t that be funny if twenty weeks and two quarters worth of work went to the crapper because it didn’t render correctly!

My stomach hurts because I’ve been eating junk because I’ve been too busy to eat properly.  I was doing well with my diet, fifteen pounds lost, and now it’s all blown to heck.  It’s pretty upsetting because I was just beginning to be able to button my pants again.  Oh well, I’ll rededicate myself during spring break.  No pizza pig-outs for me.  As long as it’s pretty outside, my butt should be walking.  I need that cathartic release.

I am unhappy in ways I can’t even express.  

But I’ve discovered this amazingly delicious smoked cheddar cheese kettlecorn and it makes things a little better, at least until the bag is empty.

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