Fatty Finals

Why is it that every time I say I’m going to go on a strict diet for a short period of time, I always end up doing the exact opposite?  I said that I was going to be a bit more restrictive with my diet and take an Alli pill with every meal the last two weeks of school in hopes that I might lose a little bit more weight and look my best for graduation.  I know that might sound a bit silly, seeing as how graduation gowns are nor form fitting.  I could gain fifteen pounds and no one would notice.  But you can tell in the face and that seems to be the place where weight is lost and gained first.  And since I expect many pictures to be taken of me, I wanted to look my best and have my face looking nice and slim for the big day.  I don’t guess that’s going to happen though because I have been eating crazy bad over the past few days.  I blame it on the stress of getting last minute touches finished in time. 

For example, today was a disaster trying to create my DVD and DVD cover.  It’s amazing how the appearance of something on a computer screen doesn’t transfer to a sheet of paper.  You think what you’d see is what you’d get but it doesn’t work that way which causes for much frustration.  Basically, the whole class was so much more complicated and involved than it needed to be and I am just so glad it is going to be over in a few hours.

So, because of things not working the way they’ve should, my eating schedule has been knocked out of whack and I won’t eat for several hours at a time while I work on stuff, only to come back to my room super late and hungry.  ‘Cause I don’t wanna wait to cook anything, I’ll just grab whatever is around, usually junk food. 

Everything is finished and I just have to present all my stuff in class and then I’ll be done with school for good!!  Unfortunately, I won’t be done.  I still have to come back to the dorm and clean my room and the horrifyingly gross bathroom.  Then I have to pack and meet up with my family on Friday.  There’s also the rehearsal on Friday and then the big event on Saturday.  Sunday morning we’re all packing up and going home and then after that, it’s anyone’s guess!

Just one more class and a few more days and then I’m done forever.

I just think I’m never going to say I’m going to diet again.  It seems when I don’t try, I tend to do better.  It’s only when I declare that I’m gonna diet that I end up face first in a tub of ice cream.

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I so know what you mean. I try so hard to lose weight, I make these plans to do it and diet but then it just never works and I end up back on the same bad habits I always do. I’m a believer in being healthy, not striving to be bone thin like the tv thinks we should be but, even getting healthy is tough! Good luck hun! Random OD’er -Kat