P. so called friends (personal)

I don’t know why I care about her opinion when she literally contributed NOTHING to my life- not even support of ANY kind- I was just her punching bag for her own self-hate. Your life is in a pile of shit- you never had a healthy relationship, you’re full of depression and you’re telling me how to live mine?? and on top of that telling my man that I don’t care about him?? what kinda fuckin evil piece of shit are you?? miserable goblin living as a bottom feeder and self-destructing single-handed everything descent that comes into your life. not only are you not happy but you hate when other people are happy and on top of that you justify your own bs and your own delusional self righteous  thinking with your so called intuition. Your intuition is shit.  Where was your intuition when u were dating a killer psychopath??

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