Independent living

Hi, I am 28 years old and I need to move out of my parent’s house. I have a mental illness so it’s impossible to be on my own 100%, so they are sending a 24 hour staff to help me learn cooking, money budgeting, and other things to help me be independent at my own place. Eventually, when the time comes and they see I am able to handle it on my own, they’ll disappear and the place will be mine.


I feel like calling my case manager back and saying “no, I changed my mind, don’t send in the application” but NO I need to grow a pair, I need to stop fighting with my parents, I need to stop being unhappy and take care of myself. My parents are controlling my life, so I need to move on. But what if I get scared? What if I regret it? Nothing wrong with living with your parents, but I am unhappy at home. My parents and I verbally and mentally abuse each other and my dad just screamed at me for having a coke. Like really? I mean I don’t know if I did the right thing, but I know I’ll get the support at therapy group tomorrow (I hope). I can still have visiting rights and stuff, but still. It’s time to be a big girl now. I can’t always have my parents do everything for me all the time.

Can someone tell me what it’s like to be independent? Like, living on your own? Is it scary? I don’t know if anyone understands, and I hate admitting I have a mental illness, but I am still a human. If anyone is reading this, can you tell me what it’s like? The temptation to call him back and say I changed my mind is there, so I put my phone aside. I hope I am making the right choice for both me and my family. I don’t want to live this way anymore, and I don’t want my family unhappy Time to put on my big girl panties.

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April 2, 2018

I have met fully live in my own. It’s either with my mom or a group home. Where I’m at now I’m happy kinda. I also have a mental illness.

April 2, 2018

@pandskitteh I hate admitting that to people. I feel like if people know I have a mental illness they will think “oh she’s crazy, I don’t want to talk to her” or something. I am getting help and going to therapy. I had the courage to call and talk about living independently with a 24 hour staff. It’s basically living with a stranger, but she teaches me all the right skills to use. I just wish I was normal. I hate being judged or labeled.

April 2, 2018

@candyliciousmagic so do Ii but I think people with mental illness re uniq.

April 2, 2018

@pandskitteh very true.

April 2, 2018

I am much older than you, but I do live with mental illness too.  I live on my own and am very independent.  I love it!  It’s fun!  It’s nice to have your privacy and place to just hang out doing whatever you want to do.  How am I able to do this?  I take my medicatimen daily.  Every single day.  It’s made a big difference.  When I need it, I also receive therapy.  I’ve been well for many, many years now.  I am able to work.  I am able to do my dishes, laundry, grocery shop and even take care of my cat who I love very much.  You can do these things too.  Is it scary?  Yes it can be but I suggest you at least give it a try.  I wish you the very best and hope everything works out for you in the best way possible.

April 2, 2018

@wildrose_ I swear you are like the person on here with the most positive energy and the most beautiful pictures.  Thank you for always giving me hope.

April 2, 2018

Never be ashamed of who you are

April 2, 2018

Take 1 day at a time, is all you can do and eventually things will fall into place

April 2, 2018

Despite all the publicity these days mental illness still has a stigma. Sad but true (I know ) I have PTSD and Major depressive disorder.Currently off medication(my choice ) but its always one day at a time. Don’t look ahead too far. Focus on NOW.You CAN DO IT.I think one thing that all people who “suffer” in this way have and thats an inner strength.Not always obvious but its there.It sounds like this is your time to branch out. Yes its scary. Thats perfectly natural but just tell yourself you can make it one step at a time.   Don’t think of later this year or next. Its just today you need to think about. Good luck.

April 2, 2018

d The only mental illness I have is depression, but being on my own was still scary at first. That was a long time ago. I’m in my 40s and married now. I remember living on my own though. I was scared, but as the days went by I was less scared. And then I got into a routine and I liked it. I got a pet guinea pig and we’d watch TV together. I’d go shopping alone and talk to people. I’d spend hours making art in the middle of the night. I think you’ll enjoy it after awhile. When you get lonely, and you will sometimes, just remember that time changes everything and you won’t always be lonely.

April 4, 2018

You can do this…getting over the uncomfortable bit is the hard part no matter mental illness or not. I wish you strength to adapt and heart to overcome the change.

April 6, 2018

I think once you’re on your own, you’ll really enjoy it. Maybe your anxiety will lessen when you don’t have anyone yelling at you. Will you be working as well?