Plant Craze?

I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but lately, I’ve been adding plants to my place.  I was never into plants or good with them, but maybe taking herbology classes had something to do with it.

It began with a carnivorous plants booth at America’s Family Pet Expo in April 2005.  The exhibitors displayed three different kinds of carnivorous plants (venus flytrap, sundew, and pitcher plant), and they demonstrated how each one captured and digested bugs.  That seemed to have sparked my interest in carnivorous plants, and I began looking up information about them on the internet.  I had to know which types were the best for the climate in my area, how to take care of them, and the price.  After much self-debate, I finally ordered a Drosera capensis alba (cape sundew with white flowers) and Utricularia livida (terrestial bladderwort).  They are still growing after two years, but they are tough species. 

At the gift shop in Muir Woods on August 9, 2007, I came across a sample of coastal redwood burl with sprouts.  I then read the instructions on the ones for sale, and after a few minutes, I decided to buy one.  After returning to my place a few days later, I followed the instructions of soaking the burl and placing it in a bowl of water.

Now, I’m still waiting for something to grow from it.  The instructions said that it will take about 3-4 weeks.

For weeks, I’ve been looking at Cactaceae in the Wal-Mart garden center, and finally on August 17, 2007, I bought two mini cacti: a Mammillaria zeilmanniana (pink crown) and pink Gymnocalycium mihanovichii or Hibotan (moon or grafted cactus).

In case you’re wondering, I did not get the idea from Fuji Syusuke in The Prince of Tennis.  If I did, I would have bought cacti weeks ago.  I guess they just looked pretty, and are strong plants fit for hot and dry climate.  The hot summer weather could have influenced my decision, too.

I don’t know what’s come over me to buy quite a few types of different plants lately.  Maybe I was attracted by the store displays.  Despite all this plant craze, I still prefer animals, because they provide more company and entertainment.  I also like the soft fur.

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August 21, 2007

I kill all green!!! lol

August 22, 2007

I like plants too, but have also not been good w/ them until now. I had 3 BEAUTIFUL african violets (that I had originally bought for my mom, but she said to keep them). They were full, lush & had blooms everywhere. Then we moved to GA. After that they weren’ the same. I finally got them back to normal after about 6 months of constant babying. Then my hubby’s new puppy ATE them! Ughhhhh! This dogis like a 2 year old. Oh well, she will learn! Luckly I had taken cuttings off of them the week before, now they are rooted & ready to plant. GOOD LUCK w/ that redwood thingy. That will be interesting to see. Thanks for the encouragement on my DD. She is still being a PAIN in the butt, DRAMA QUEEN. BUT she hasn’t missed school & it has been a week. Plus she has done homework EVERYNIGHT! I know it’s just been a week, but that gives me a little spark of hope. But…. w/ her things could change @ a moments notice. Have a GOOD DAY!

August 23, 2007

I wish I could have plants in my place, but Neko would eat them or use it as a bed to sprawl on… :/