No Rest…

There is no rest for the wicked, as the saying goes. Nor do I believe that rest will come anytime soon; preparations for several major trials is currently under-way and I have much… way too much perhaps… for finalization.

Such is the way of life when is employed by an attorney.

I love my job … hence my absence of late! Do not despair (I doubt any have to begin with!) … I have a story ready for HoopsWritingClub. Though I will admit that a few quirks need to be ironed out and it does need to be tweaked a time or two.

Indeed … my sanity is on the cusp of an infinite yet myopic collision. Woe is me? Hardly, I shall, of course, prevail!

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March 15, 2013

I’m comparing your entry with how Charles Dickens described a lawyer’s assistant in Great Expectations that carried a “leave your emotions at the door” kind of neutrality while at work. His name is Wemmick, my favorite character in that book. He reminds me of you from what you just wrote–efficient at wearing a mask. His two-sided lifestyle channeled such lovely energy into his personal life.