Reading the Signs….

 Quite honestly I am not at all surprised, though I expected this to happen much, much sooner.

My husband informed me last evening that he’s leaving me. I’m not sure if the realization has sunk in yet or not. Too, I don’t know what I am feeling, or what to expect to feel. He hasn’t left yet, but he will. The signs are all there.

"I’m getting ready to leave and I’m going by myself and not taking you with me." He said.

"I know," I replied, then asked, "Will you take the car?"

"I haven’t decided yet." He said, then, "There isn’t anything between us anymore. I don’t feel anything for you and I don’t love you."

"Really?" I asked and he replied, "I"m sorry, but that’s how I feel." Then we both went silent.

What to say to that? Suffice to say, we didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the evening. This morning when I got ready to leave for work, he was still abed. I don’t know if he’ll be there when I get home or not.

I have accepted this. I can’t help but think that we’ve reached a point in our relationship where it’s time to just let go of the other and move forward.

I don’t… know anymore. But the signs are there.

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