Bathroom Heroics

"Rob, Mrs Johnson is having difficulty breathing,"  Jennifer the nurses aide said. She was breathless too because she had just run up the hallway to get me. When someone runs like that, you know it has to be urgent.  We ran down to Mrs Johnson’s room together. When I entered, the room was empty and I looked at Jennifer and she pointed to the bathroom, "In there," she gasped.

I went into the bathroom to find sixty two year old Mrs Johnson seated on the toilet, panties around her ankles and hospital johnny all askew. She was breathing fast and hard, or as we would say – she was tachypneic (fast breathing) and dyspneic (short of breath). Her pulse however was steady and still in the normal range, her skin warm and dry (not cool and clammy) and she still looked relatively ‘pink’, not the grayish-blue of severe respiratory distress. I assessed her as having over-exerted getting to the toilet, and then  ‘pushing’  too hard while short of breath had worsened the problem. Another reason she was short of breath was that Jennifer had forgotten to bring the portable oxygen tank into the bathroom with Mrs Johnson, so I told her to get it right away. I may have been a little  gruff asking for the O2 tank, but we needed it in a hurry.

As I gently reassured Mrs Johnson, I placed my hand on the sink and leaned down to adjust her nasal oxygen cannula. To my immense surprise  the sink tore off the wall with a metallic ripping sound!

We were all startled and Jennifer and Mrs Johnson looked first at the sink, gently bobbing at the end of the water pipe, then at me.  Mrs Johnson gasped, "Holy shit Jennifer, never piss off  Rob!"

I tried to maintain a serious face, but I could not control myself and started laughing. Then Jennifer joined in, and even poor Mrs Johnson, sitting on the toilet, panties still down at her ankles and now finally on her oxygen, was shaking with laughter.

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August 17, 2011

Does that say zero-two instead of oh-two? For shame, doctor. 😉 This is hilarious!

August 17, 2011

Good catch, Leah! Good story, Rob!

August 17, 2011

Oh my goodness, I am so right in the bathroom with the three of you. This is just too priceless! LOL!

August 18, 2011

I love your stories… they never cease to bring me to tears of laughter… & what a way to start my day! Thanks.

August 18, 2011

oh my goddess, my daughter and i were laughing our heads off at this one. rob, you never fail to make me giggle at your stories (the ones that are funny that is!). i would have been laughing in there and gasping into the oxygen myself. you must be the best dr in the hospital. much love and blessings to you!

August 18, 2011

If we should ever meet I have a story on the same theme, trust me it’s a pants wetter. Bring towels.

August 23, 2011

Haha, that’s cute. I love fun hospital stories. I should write more about my experiences than I do. Lots of new nurse stories to tell, I always think I’ll remember them all, but not so. Haha. I’ll remember never to piss you off though! :]

August 24, 2011

that’s hilarious! you never cease to amuse and delight.

September 4, 2011

HaHa, I was in a similar situation once but I tore a shower curtain off their little rings and its because I tripped over the O2 tank. I’m curious about what maintenance said about the sink being ripped off the wall?

September 8, 2011


September 11, 2011

Love it !!

October 11, 2011
