
Sorry guys! I was about to write this entry when I got called away. I did not think the title was actually public yet. Here is the entry..


She was wearing the uniform of an army she never wanted to join. Blue and white cotton that tied around the back of her neck and hung loosely down her body. The hospital johnny marked her as the newest draftee in the never ending war on disease, and she was the latest casualty.

She was weak now, weaker even than yesterday when she had been admitted to the hospital – and frightened. It had all seemed so minor at first: the fatigue could have been from overwork at her new job, the muscle weakness from exhaustion after a sleepless night, the difficulty focusing her eyes just a byproduct of…what? She had run out of excuses then, and seen her doctor, and he had her admitted immediately.

The tests had been the worst part of it all. The technicians were all nice and cheerful when they had greeted her, but became a bit withdrawn and more ‘professionally detached’ as each test progressed. It seemed like as the test started she was the same as the technicians, one of the general population, but as the tests neared completion and the strange results became apparent, they  realized she was now somehow different, no longer one of them; she had been marked by her illness as the newest draftee in mankind’s oldest war. They could see something was wrong, but wouldn’t tell her what it was.

The nerve conduction test was the worst of all. Needles inserted into various muscles and electric current passed from one to the other like some kind of bizarre torture test. The technician conducting that test had started out as friendly and chatty, but soon would not meet her eyes, or even smile at her.  No one would say anything specific, everything was kept vague. She understood that – only the doctor could make a diagnosis from the results. Only the doctor could explain her fate, but the waiting was hell. The tension built up by the minute until she seemed ready to burst with sorrow or panic or sheer dread – some combination of every fearful emotion she had ever experienced.

It was the young one they had picked to tell her, the one just finished with his training. He came in with a serious look, and she lost control and started to cry before he even said a word. Amazingly, he wasn’t surprised. He pulled out  a few tissues from the box on her bedside table and patted her cheeks dry. He placed a warm hand on her shoulder and looked right at her. His eyes were dark blue and very kind. Somehow just the pressure of his hand on her shoulder was a comfort, the first real human touch she had felt since she had been admitted.

"It’s bad isn’t it?"

He sat on the edge of her bed to bring his eyes down to her level, then looked deep into her. He seemed somehow satisfied with what he saw. "Its not good news," he said, "your life is going to change."

She cried again and he wiped away more tears. She was afraid to ask but she knew she had to. "What is it?"


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September 10, 2011

So Dude, is there an entry that’s attached to this title?

September 10, 2011

Not fair! Cruel unusual punishment. Where’s the entry? LOL!

September 11, 2011

I saw that you had posted. I made a cup of coffee and sat down, wiggling in my chair to get into that “just so” position. With great anticipation, my heart beating just a little faster, I clicked. Epic sadness 🙁 to see a blank page *sigh* My coffee just isn’t as good. Hope to see something a bit later 🙂

September 11, 2011

Umm …

September 11, 2011

Tease …

September 12, 2011

duuuuuuuuuuuude. unfair.

September 15, 2011

I can’t…I just can’t write a note on this one. This is way too close to home, and there are no words, only tears.

September 16, 2011

this would make one hell of a short film… it’s the most inappropriate response ever to this entry – but really, what can be said?

September 17, 2011

I love how you write from the patient’s perspective. Not only does it make for a more emotional story but I’m sure it provides you with some perspective for dealing with it yourself.

September 21, 2011


October 8, 2011

Well don’t leave us hanging… what was it?

October 10, 2011

This made me feel a little sick because of the things I have been through.

October 11, 2011

I’ve had a nerve conduction test. i’m sure torture has it’s roots in that.