Donnie Darko

I watched Donnie Darko… it was a great movie. Awesome acting by the Gyllenhaal sibs, Drew and the music was right up my alley, but I didn’t quite get the ending, why did Gretchen deny knowing Donnie and then waved to his mom??
I guess some things are meant to be cosmically fucked up I reckon? Now I’m sorta watching a movie called Ash & Dust. It doesn’t really tickle my fancy but it’s good background noise.
Today felt like a Friday the 13th or a full moon kind of day. Y’know?
I kind of sprained my big toe, by tumbling down a few steps. Kind of stepped on something cylindrical, and fell a bit. I hope it’s just that and not a break. 🙁 It hurts a bit.
Anyways… I had a nice garlicky tuna sub with fries from Econos with my girls. ♥
In the Donnie Darko ending, Jake Gyllenhaal’s Donnie returns to the hillside and watches the jet engine get sucked into the time vortex, at which point time rewinds, and he has an opportunity to do things differently, armed with his knowledge of what will happen. Donnie is the only person able to close the tangent universe before it destroys his reality, but it will cost him his life in the process. At the end of the movie he voluntarily goes to bed — even laughing as he does so, having accepted what he must do to keep his family and Gretchen alive — and is crushed by the falling plane debris
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