In the mood for something… different?

I know that Samhain/Hallowe’en is months and months away, I want to show y’all a special favorite of mine–Tod Browning’s Freaks! Now maybe you have seen it… and maybe not. All I ask is that you click on the link and watch!! It’s an early talkie just shy of the end of the roaring 20’s. (1932) so they have all the cool finger wave hairdos and the beautiful clothes… it really is a gem.

Anyways, now I have to use the ladies room, and then I want to go to bed.


I am also on Prosebox as SambucaofDoom.


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4 weeks ago

How is the roaring 20’s in the 30’s

4 weeks ago

@iamwilliam In the early 30’s I mean, it captures the essence of the 1920’s.