cherry testicles

Last night was interesting, but boring.

I don’t really care to elaborate.

I had some deeeelicious chinese food.

I’m addicted to it.

I could eat it several times a week.

I guess it’s the same as eating "American" food every day. So I don’t know why it seems weird in my  head to really like this style of food.

Anyhow, tonight should be interesting because I have to go home and "cook" and I really don’t know what to make because there is nothing. I mean, there are things, but they all need to be defrosted and such and it’s a giant hassle that I want to avoid.

Oh well, I’ll figure it out.

So… even with the absence of children and the possibility of my "out of commission" status for the rest of the week, I did not get any loud awesome sex.

This is probably one of the last times we’ll have to do it, unless we move our butts into the other room.

oh well whatever and whatever.

sex is not the only good thing in the world!


well… outside of things that make me fat and my children who are not with me and a whole mess of other things I dont’ have… sex just might be.

ha ha.

So I called my kids last night and they both want to come home already. I guess the novelty of the pool wore off. ha ha.

Oh well, they are stuck there until Friday night and they might as well like it!

I was super late again this morning and had to drive in.

It really isn’t helping me save on gas, but my car is kicking ass with the gas mileage right now. I might get close to 500 miles in the tank I filled on Saturday! that’s unheard of when I usually get 300 or so and then have to refill (or 275 in the case of the evil Kia)…

speaking of evil kia, Wells Fargo sent me a "debt collection" notice. They want me to call them. I really hate that they can act like they didn’t get my damn letter. the assfaces. So NOW I’m going to have to call them. Maybe next week cuz I’m not doing it at work.


I have cherries and a banana.


Baboo asked me last night when I was going to get divorced.

I don’t know anymore.

I need a lawyer, but without money I’m pretty much screwed.

I filed the papers but it’s going no where and I have no idea how long before they just say "too bad for you" and cancel it… or whatever.



I just want this OVER WITH.


the cherries look like balls.


cherry testicles.


where is my mind?

abu dabi.


I guess I should go do work.

I’ve been here for 45 minutes and I’ve done CRAP.

countdowns commence:

Lunch:  4 hours (daaaaaamn)

End of the day:  7 hours 40 minutes (daaaaaaaamner)

Sex: god only knows (daaaaaaaaamnest)


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July 21, 2009

I’ve been at work for 2 hours yesterday and I’ve only sent out two emails. I am the pro at slacking lately and I’m ssttttttttaaaaaaarrrrvvvvvvvvvviiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggg and I still have two hours until lunch

yeah. ummmm. how do you know what testicles look like since they are usually kept in that nice lil pouch?

i think it’s a good little “hinty sign” if baboo is asking about your divorce. i really hope you can get things figured out. <3

July 21, 2009

didn’t you do the paper ad thinger? or something i mean you have done some things for the divorce and what about that leagalzoom website i hear about? they are supposed to be cheap and good?!?

July 21, 2009 they have a survey to see if they can help you might be worth a try! it’s $299 which isn’t cheap but isn’t ridicules! Baboo asking is a good thing for sure!

July 21, 2009

My car is way amazing with the gas mileage. I laugh in the face of… other cars? whatever. Mmm cherries. Hope the day goes fast.

How’s your day going…?

July 21, 2009

Dammit.. I forgot to take out the chicken out of the freezer that I wanted to cook. Your entry just reminded me of that. lol Baboo better give you some tonight. The divorce things makes me mad. It shouldn’t be that hard to get a divorce from someone you can’t and haven’t been able to find in years. That’s just not fair. And you shouldn’t have to spend a ton of money just to doit either. You can’t control other people’s actions, so you should be set free. People suck!!

July 21, 2009
July 21, 2009

LOL. As usual, you’re too much!

Yeah… I don’t think it’s fair that they can’t give you a divorce since you can’t even find the asshole.

Divorces suck. I hope I never have to get one. Why is it so easy (and cheap) to get married and so difficult and expensive to get divorced?

July 21, 2009

I’m pretty sure that all debt collection notices are automatically generated by a computer, sent out at certain intervals. I’ve sort of hit the same brick wall with WF, and no matter what kind of communication I’ve been doing with them, I still get letters worded as if we’d never discussed a thing. I hate them, and I hope that, someday, they get what they deserve. And our ex-hubbies,too. You may not be divorced, but he is most certainly your ex.

July 21, 2009

I wish it were easier for you to get divorced. If you haven’t heard from him or seen him in so long, can’t you just declare him legally dead and get on with it? I mean, seriously. It’s so easy to marry a person and be latched to them for life, but getting rid of them is so much harder than it should be! Mmmmm cherries…