The bathroom smelled like a skunk (fun with TMI!)


It did.

Why was I going to the bathroom?

Well I’ll tell you.

Oh yeah, this entry is like TMI central and you’ll probably be grossed out and not able to eat your breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack and I don’t care.

Because I can’t eat either.

Especially after my BALLSACK cherries.


I guess they don’t actually look like the little almondy orbs that are testicles.

they looked like ballsacks.

ANYWAY. i ate them all.

slurp slurp.

So yeah, i was going to the bathroom because I could feel my uterus getting ready to release the first batch of renovated materials down the hatch…

also known as… I was about to bleed and I knew it.

It’s nice to know my body this well, but jeesh.

So yeah, I was right. I caught it all right in time and I’m under "protection" and all is well.

I wish I wasn’t wearing these light brown pants.

And I wish I had my sweater. I might have to go get it from my car later.

I hate wearing light clothes during renovations.

It’s like inviting something horrible to happen.


Anyway, the bathroom stank and I thought I’d share.

Ya know what I hate about the time right before my period?


Omigod, last night I looked like a damn pregnant wildebeast. It was horrible. It’s a wonder they let me have my mojito at dinner.

"Just look at her drinking while pregnant, what a horrible mother!"


I also get at least ONE horrible pimple.

this time, it was RIGHT on the bottom corner of my nostril.

it was painful and evil.

and when it popped it bled like I’m about to … gross.

Anyway, it was horrible.

I hate the evil period pimple.

I also hate everything else associated with this time of hte month.

My mood swings are horrible.

headaches like wild gorilla drummers on parade in my head.

the left leg cramp from hell (that is happening right now)…

hell, the cramps in general just suck.

back aches.

cravings for random things like potato chips, ice cream, and spicy chicken.


in a bowl.

with whipped cream.

ok, so not really, but I would eat all of those things in succession like I’m at some freak buffet.

Though, right now, eating is the last thing I want to do. Eating feels wrong and gross.

I will eat.

but just making myself digest the cherries is enough for now.

there is a beast of a fly buzzing around my head and it WANTS TO DIE.

little fucker.



I wanna go home.

the first two days of my period are like HELL.

Why can’t I have a fun 3 day period like other girls.

Nope, I have a nice 6 to 7 day week of torture and damnation.


Though suddenly, I could really go for a chocolate donut.

after all that info, don’t you want to eat too?

har har.

hardy diddy har.

Ok, back to work with me.

Even though my head feels like atom bombs are being tested there…

Log in to write a note

lol. don’t you love how your body congratulates you for not getting pregnant? i’d prefer a toaster or something.

July 21, 2009

that’s not TMI at all. I thought this was going to be an entry about how the cherries triggered the period poop and that’s why the bathroom smelled like a skunk.

I’d rather have a 6 to 7 day period than the 7 to 14 day period that I now have. IUD’s are evil little bastards.

I’d rather have a 6 to 7 day period than the 7 to 14 day period that I now have. IUD’s are evil little bastards.

*laughs* You’re evil. Now I want spicy chicken.

July 21, 2009

LOL. Sorry for your discomfort hun! That’s gotta suck, but just too funny, the way you described it there! “Shakes head and smiles and laughs!”

July 21, 2009

Oh, and out of curiosity, what to you use for “protection” for “every time of the month?” Pads or Tampons?

July 21, 2009

So wait, did the bathroom stink because of your reeking period or did it stink before? I’m not trying to be offensive, I just couldn’t determine. I know many women who think their periods stink so just wanted to inquire.

July 21, 2009

Hey – Just a FYI… I always get HORRIBLE pains/cramps the first two days of my period… To the point of me being doubled over and puking… Well, a doctor told me to drink LOTS of water leading up to my period and the pains will go away. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I NO LONGER HAVE PAINS! Try it… I promise it works for me.

July 21, 2009

I think maybe something is wrong with me. My periods are synchronized with people I know on OD and not people I know in RL. …

July 21, 2009

Mmmm, Chocolate Donuhts….Yummmmmm. RYN: Pizza Fingers are aceness…

July 21, 2009

oh that sucks i was hoping legalzoom would be a good fix!! is there like a community legal help line? you’d think there would be or if you just went or called a court house would you get some help there? you’ve done a lot jeepers!!! also my skin was horrid this period and just now getting back to normal!

July 21, 2009

I’m the same way and I hate it. It’s just not fair.

ugh i’ll be on my period starting tomorrow or thursday. blahhhh. what a pain!

July 21, 2009

This wasn’t TMI! Most of us can sympathise! Very rarely do I get cramps! Almost wish I did so I knew something was gonna happen! Mine are so irregular that it just happens when my body says so. LOL!

Ugghhhh I hate periods. I mean who likes them, anyway? I have horrible cramps the first day, the kind that make me puke and pass out. At least you get a choice in the color of pants you can wear– my work uniform calls for light khaki pants. :p

Ugh! I feel your pain. When I’m not pregnant I have horrible HORRIBLE periods. The cramps get so bad sometimes I have to lay in my bed curled up in a ball and just cry.

July 21, 2009

omg..renovations….I’m gonna use that one…is sounds more pc than what I usually refer to it as!

July 21, 2009

Well, if you were on birth control pills like me (nanny, nanny, boo-boo!), you might have one of those fun, 3-day periods! Hell, if you were taking birth control pills, you could go 3 MONTHS with no period! That’s what I’m doing right now and I feel fantabulous! Although I did start cramping a little when I was supposed to normally start, but it went away and I didn’t spot at all! Yay for periodless periods!

July 21, 2009

Lol even short 3-4 day periods are not “fun.” But now I want cherries, damn you.

I’ve heard that, but I thought it might be easier if I did. I mainly got the plus account to get rid of the annoying advertisements though. They were driving me crazy. I’ve only had my plus account for less than 24 hours and I think I’m already addicted to it. I can leave much longer notes.

July 21, 2009

*offers you a back rub*

July 21, 2009

I get those fatty days too…argh

July 24, 2009

What is this.. I.. what?