coloring for a living / True Pimpin








 I want to go home tonight, get a bottle of champagne, and fall fast first into it.
















just talked to my sons teacher…

We’re gonna have a conference next Friday. So far, she hasn’t pissed me off, so it should be just swell *snortle*

Anyway, she says he gets really frustrated and is intolerant of making mistakes, especially with math. He’s pulling his defiant "I don’t know how to dooo iiit" routine with her, which I know very well. He p lls that with chores, homework, ANYTHING he doesn’t want to do…

He’s got to stop because he’s making his life harder.

I’m not sure if the counseling is going to do anything for him.

She still wants him to get tested for being gifted because he’s far ahead of the other students. But so was I at that age. I was reading Highschool books in second grade. It must be genetic. ha ha.



so i have another 45 minutes or so of work.

i want to leave NOW.


I’m currently cutting out little "lists" of who I mail stuff to and highlighting them with various shades (pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)

Yep, that’s what I’m reduced to at work.




hopefully next week won’t be so boring.

but i’m not betting on it.

and now my nose is bleeding! whee!

I guess if blood isn’t coming out of one end, it wants to come out of the other.



but yeah, my period is over and I know Baboo is like  "ohhh wait till after the doctor" blah blah blah

i want some penis NOW.


So that just reminds me my appt is at 1… my conference is at 2:30. I’m hoping it won’t interfere, but I might have to call the teacher back and try to reschedule it for 3 just to be safe.

Nothing worse that rushing through a vag exam.

lol lol.

not really funny.

gah my nose!

if I get any sexier, i might start masturbating.


my finger hurst too.

why is everything falling appppaaaaarrrrtaaaaa.



well, i should go.

the weekend should be happening soon.

35 minutes till i can run out of here like my butt is on fire.

and it just might be.

if only i had some matches.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I’ll see some of ya’ll on Facebook!!!!

(how lame is that ending)

not as lame as urmom.


urmom is nice!!!!


I’m going!

see me floss on by?

that’s true pimpin.

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October 16, 2009

RYN: Joins an eye roll with that Ugh! of your’s! Really though!

October 16, 2009

Hope the appointment goes well and she doesn’t piss you off too much!! Sorry about the constant bleeding ;P And thanks so much for your note. I know you’re right. *hugs*

October 16, 2009

Sounds like it went OK with the teacher, I hope the conference goes well!

urmom’s gonna have a good weekend… on facebook! Umm…. yeah. Last season on America’s Next Top Model this one contestant said that she loved nosebleeds. She never got them, and was jealous of people who did. Creep.

October 16, 2009

Well…I’m “half and half on that one about, “Mom’s!” but yeah, funny anyway. Lol. Hope your exam went well! (And, also hope the results turn up just as well along with that!) I’m not sure what way you write, lately, but, damn, it has me sitting there, like I’m waiting for the page to load! LOL! It’s tricccky! Hope things can go well for, I’ll just say your son, cause, you don’t seem to have

October 16, 2009

which one it is specified! But, good luck with it all anyway, honey! HUGS

October 16, 2009

I wanna be your FB friend. Add me? Pleez, baby? Give me your link or somethin’. It’ll be cool. If you can’t color at work, where the hell else can you get your crayon on?!? I highlight every f*ckin thing I can in a riot of rainbow bliss. Makes it worth it. Truly. Embrace your inner kindergartner. Kiss him. Lots. Oh…and by the way, blood IS sexy. Convince him of that.

October 16, 2009

i love your rants lol


October 18, 2009

There are a few things you shouldn’t rush: sex. a hair appointment. a brake job on your car. a pelvic exam.