Comfortable in Crazy


how do you know when you are in love?

and how do you know when you’ve found that one?

and how how HOW do you know you’re not making a giant mistake?

I don’t think you’ll ever really KNOW… because you can feel things so CERTAINLY one second, and then it’s all smashed to hell in a blink of an eye. I’ve been there so many times it just seems lke that is the only thing I can know.

and that is : Nothing is promised, everything is temporary.

It’s sad to think this way.

I sorta wish I was more… optomistic. Oh well… whatever.

I’m actually trying to figure out how to classify my relationship with Baboo.

We have gotten to such a comfortable stage it scares me sometimes. Like.. is it so comfortable because we are so compatible? Or is it so comfortable because we don’t care?

I leave my underwear lying around so he can see it and comment on it. (i get all embarrassed afterwards and think "why didn’t I put that away?!!!)

We talk about having to poop. Almost all the time. (that shames me also. But we have a poop dialogue now, it’s quite disturbing. And yet, while it’s happening, i don’t think about it. till it’s over and i think "did i just get into a conversation with my boyfriend about my bowel movement frequency? oh sweet jesus in a manger!!!)

We laugh about farts and gross each other out. (and not just when we are drunk… One of the few things he said to me last night was "I could fart on you right now. Want me to?" ah! no! and sometimes he tickles me so much he makes me fart. it’s horrible… haha)

It feels like… if he’s gonna KNOW ME, then he’s gonna KNOW IT ALL. And if I’m gonna do the same then bring it on!

It doesn’t even really gross me out anymore, it just feels like… how it is.

And I wonder what it means.

I think too much.

I wish I could shut it off.

it’s not always BAD, but it can be quite annoying!

anyway, not sure why I’m even writing. Lunch in 15 minutes.

Oh Lean Cuisine… with your salsbury steak and your mac and cheese. I shall eat you, slowly, because if I eat you quickly, you do not fill me up and I’ll go on a hunt for cookies!!!!

Instead I shall cut you into tiny bits and NIBBLE NIBBLE NIBBLE.

I hate nibbling, but it’s one of the few tricks I know to make small amounts of food last long.

I cannot nibble salad.

That is almost impossible. I must scarf it down with giant leafy bites.

I shall have lots of salad this weekend. Especially since I don’t have much food.

ha ha.

The children will have food, but mommy will just stare longingly at their hot dogs.

hahaha I’m kidding.


so yeah, this entry just diverted down a path of crazy.

but don’t most of my entries do that?

My brain is a wonderland of complete insanity.

I just called baboo a totally adorable lunatic.

and he is.

oh we two crazy, we two perfect.

I love him.

don’t tell him i said that. he gets all stupid and makes faces.

but wanna know what?

i know he loves me too.

see how i tied this entry up with a bow?

If only I had some pizza….




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March 20, 2009

Yeah. I know the feeling, of feeling something…and, wanting to put it into words, and also, wanting to know, what it means! It’s also quite hard for me to do, sometimes, but…I try! LOL. I guess…right now…(while trying to figure it out)…we should just be Thankful, that, the feeling is there! Ryn: Yeah I know. And yeah…random places like that, sure are interesting, and, hard to

March 20, 2009

believe! Lol. 🙂

March 20, 2009

Oh, you sound like old married folk!! I know what you mean about those Lean Cuisine. I’ve had a few; the portions are dismally inadequate.

Should be discussed on the first date right….so do you like to eat pussy?..Yes..ummm…ok, bye. I love doing it so you and I would have our issues…not that other things are fun…but I just love it…

I’m running out of time, and will have to fully catch up later. But, I just wanted to say you are definitely going to have a blast in Vegas. Not that you didn’t know, I’m sure. lol.

i know what you mean, seriously i think it’s a good thing. josh used to be so closed off with things when we first started hanging out. he wouldn’t even let me see him naked! haha. even after we’d have sex he’d stay under the covers and make me rummage around the dark bedroom to find his clothes, lol. and now, he’ll just flop it out and smack in the face or something. hahahah. okay okay, my point

is that i think it’s definitely a good thing that you’re so open with each other and comfortable around each other. the end. lol. have a good weekend!

March 20, 2009

I’m glad you have that comfort level. It’s a bit disturbing too, but hey…I do the same thing! LOL! I stare at other people’s food. I covet thy neighbor’s steak. I can watch them grilling from the knothole in our shared fence. I’m a steak stalker.

March 20, 2009

You know you’re ‘in love’ when you can actually handle one of you being sick … man when you gotta pickup someone else’s puke … or eat someone else soup, buyt their medicines, clean up their used kleenxes and STILL smile at them, hug them and tell them everything will be alright … then you’re in REAL love ! 🙂 *hug* K

March 20, 2009

talking about goofy stuff like poop and farts is a good sign! lol. Patrick and I call each other poop head all the time. but yeah, it’s scary to get into a comfortable stage at first, but it’s a really good thing. if you’re not comfortable with someone, how can you stand a relationship with them, right?

March 20, 2009

Nibbling never works for me.

Have you sat in the doorway while he takes a poop? is that a personal question. We talk about poop a lot too, I thought it was too weird at first, but now it just amuses me. We laugh at our smells.. farts, burps, stinky feet. I think it shows how comfortable you are with one another and that’s not a bad thing at all. <3 You don’t have to answer my above question btw. :p