
I’ve been running around for the last 45 minutes with two buttons undone flashing cleavage all around and I didn’t even know it. I wonder what people must think of me *sigh*

Maybe it didn’t show, but I doubt it.

Blah Tuesday! *shakes fist*

Last night was draining, but very necessary.

argh, where do I begin.

Well, firstly, we went out to dinner at Outback. it was deeeelicious. We even got a chocolate thunder from down under (mmmm brownies and ice cream!) which seemed smaller somehow, but still uber goodness.

Then we went home and it was time to get ready for bed.

Oh yes, and I was very happy to have my boys back home. It feels normal again!!!

Anyway, during dinner (I got ribs, I LOVE Outback bar b que sauce. It’s soooo yum!) I was thinking about the money saving thing. It’s just a fact that we won’t be doing any real "trying" for at least a year and then it may take awhile to actually happen, so it could be almost 2 years before we have a baby. I figured if we started saving a little bit now, then we’d have a nest egg of sorts.

Well, as I mentioned, the moment I brought it up (after we had gotten home and were in bed) he shut me down. He basically brought up the divorce again and was making it seem like I’m focusing more on us having a baby than me getting the divorce. It made me feel like he thinks I won’t even do it. I’ll just keep pushing it aside and not really pursuing it.

that hurt me a lot.

That’s not the case.

I’ve hit a wall, and really, without legal help, I’m stuck. I have NO IDEA what to do.

I have already filed for the divorce, so websites like legal zoom and all that won’t really help me. I can’t get the marriage annulled because it’s been too long. I’m just fucked.

I’m certain he won’t contest anything if by some crazy chance he’s found. How could he after all these years? I am not going after him for child support because there is no documentation that Jacob is his and I plan on keeping it that way. He won’t try to get custody because he doesn’t have a toe to stand on and would get sent to jail immediately because he’s done so many illegal things it’s ridiculous and he’d get sent back to Belize faster than he could sneeze.

Also, I don’t want him to have any rights to Jacob. With child support comes visitations… and I refuse to have this man take my son and disappear, which is exactly what will happen. I doubt he has a legal job to begin with, so I’d never see a dime. When we were freshly seperated, hell when we were together he couldn’t even give me FIVE DOLLARS to help with our son. I told him, "give me five dollars a month and show me that you want to be responsible for the care of your child and not just reap the benefits to your ego because he loves you" and he couldn’t even DO THAT.

He took a car that I co signed on, stopped paying for it, and ruined my credit without a second thought.

He used me up.

He abused me mentally, physically and emotionally.

He threatened my life so many times I lost count. How he’d just knock me out and take my son. How he could kill me and I’d never know what hit me.

He’s a waste of life and I just want him to GO AWAY and GET OUT OF MINE.

Anyway, there is nothing I want more than to get this divorce finished and move on with my life and never have to think of it again. And to be basically accused of NOT wanting it makes me feel awful.

Baboo went on to say that he thinks I should save for both. My logic makes that seem dumb. I want to get this divorce done ASAP. That means when I get my next tax return, I go to a lawyer that I’ve already chosen, I give them a retainer of 2 grand or whatever, and they get it finished. The end.

Saving up 25 bucks a month will give me $150… that’s NOTHING. And if that’s what I’m going to do, then I’ll have to save for another 3 or 4 years just to have enough to even think about it. Baboo says that shows effort and that’s all he cares about, but for me it’s STUPID EFFORT.

Whereas if we are combining our funds to save for something we are going to do together, that makes sense to me. And I just wanted it to be something we did together, not something that negated everything else going on in my life.

It doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about the divorce. I think about it every day. I get frustrated and upset with it constantly. It’s completely unfair and it’s all my fault, if that makes any damn sense.

So yeah, I started crying and he started wiping my tears away and holding me and we just talked it out. It’s like our minds clash on things and it’s a matter of reaching a concensus that neither of us is wrong and we both have to work at what the other is expecting.

So I guess that’s what we’ve done.

I’ll save for both.

I still don’t foresee $150 really doing much, but it’ll be there.

He said he didn’t mean to give me mixed signals and that he agreed. He just wants to see effort towards the divorce more prominantly than effort towards a child. Ok, I get that. First things first.

He has his own legal issues and hopefully we can resolve both of them before we have a child together.

One thing I know is that we are fine.

He said that I am what he needs and he is what I need, and in a way, I agree.

This morning the words tumbled from my lips.

"I love you"

and he said he loves me too.

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I am so glad that he told you he loves you, you need to hear that right now. 🙂 I say, save up…don’t save up for both…just save money in general and that way…a little chunk of money will be there when you need it [whether it’s for a divorce or for a baby].

August 25, 2009

Hopefully things will work out soon.

“Thunder from down under,” is such a funny phrase. It really sucks you can’t just get a divorce. It shouldn’t be this hard. Stupid money. Stupid laws.

August 25, 2009

Aw… as I was reading this, I was thinking that I dont think he was trying to be insensitive. I think he was just thinking like a boy. Girls & boys think so differently. You are looking at it from the big picture perspective & he is looking at it from what’s the next step, lets do that & then go to the next step in the process… ?? I may be wrong, but it was what popped into my head. 🙂

August 25, 2009

good talks… I know where he’s coming from tho… it seems to me that maybe,just maybe, despite what he says… maybe he’d actualy wanna marry you or even propose to you before you guys have a child together, so maybe thats why he’s pushing the divorce. why else would u getting a divorce before u have a child be such a big deal.

August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009

he just wants you to tie up loose ends before he commits to a life with you. BTW, in this state (and in most, but I don’t know about CA.) if the father does not support, visit, or have any communication with the child for 18 months, he can automatically have his rights revoked. Kicker is, you can still collect child support. I’ll tell you where to start. Go to DSS or DHS. They always have

August 25, 2009

a child support enforcement office. They should be able to guide you through divorce too, especially due to the issues of abandonment. Now you have a starting point. Get busy.

August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009

Hehe. I’ve never had one, but I love how it’s called a chocolate thunder from down under ~~~ very clever!! <3

August 25, 2009

Awww, I am glad that got worked out.

August 25, 2009

I understand your point and I understand his. Just think of it this way.. any money you are saving for the “divorce” can just go into the child saving money if you don’t use it all when your income tax check comes in. At least you will be giving him what he needs by showing you are trying and still doing what you originally planned with everything else. The main thing is that you guys were ableto talk about it and things are good.

August 25, 2009

how do you know your husband hasn’t fled the country and back in Belize (is that where he’s from)? How does that work out in being able to get divorced?

August 25, 2009

I’m glad you talked it out – it makes sense. It sounds like baboo is just too logical for his own good – I guess you can show the effort, and still just use the tax return for the divorce anyway.

August 25, 2009

Oh girl. My thunder from down under is way better! Wait…are we still talking about dessert??? 😉 So sorry to hear about your stresses. Thrilled about the I. L. Y. though! Huge hugs!!! And yay for 3 little words!

August 25, 2009

awww love! i think thats why he wants you to get a divorce first that means he’s thinking maybe he wants the marriage and then baby and not the other way around wouldn’t that be nice? its nice that he’s thinkng that way!!! hang in there! just save up money and you’ll have it for either.. think that its for the baby if it helps you do it better! =)

August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009

*big hug* I’m sorry, sweetheart… I do hope the divorce works out soon for all of you.

August 25, 2009

“He abused me mentally, physically and emotionally.” are you kidding??? i mean, i knew he was a douche, but… oh, monique. i’m so sorry.

August 25, 2009

In a way, he’s what you need? Wouldn’t truly being inlove, entail, that he, “fulfills every need that you have, in every sense?” I know the difference! And, it’s either all there…or, it’s not! I don’t know. I guess, I just don’t fully understand, by what you mean by, “in a way!” Hope your divorce moves along!

August 25, 2009

I know that has to be so frustrating. So sorry to hear that.I know in my state after you file the divorce papers you can put an ad in the paper and if they don’t respond you go back to court and they have to grant you a divorce. Because you don’t know where he is. Does your state have something like that

August 25, 2009

is that the first time he’s officially said i love you? Whether it is or not, I’m glad he did. 🙂 Even if you knew he did, it’s nice to hear it actually spoken aloud. I hope that keeps up. I wish I had advice for you on the divorce thing hun. I know how badly you want it. And while saving such a small amount for that seems silly, if it show s Baboo you’re working towards your divorce t henit’s worth it right? 😀

August 25, 2009

Aw I’m glad you guys talked 😀

They say you can get divorced for anyrhing nowadays! My stepmom found a $100 ad in the paper and divrced my dad for a guy she met online in CA! So, it should be that easy, other than $2K! He’s probably moved back to Belize or has a gf and 6 kids elsewhere! Sad! There has to be a way to divorce in private! People that were in abusive situations don’t want the abuser to find them but still divorce!

I’ve had the chocolate thunder from down under! Oh YUM!

August 26, 2009

You should take a picture of the cleveage you were showing. 🙂

Awww reminds me of the first time I said those three words to hubby.