Here, snack on these pics! they are cheese flavor

I’ll be leaving for out W. LA office again today. I HAVE SO MUCH TO WRITE ABOUT!!! I hope I get to do it later.

anyway, yeah.

why did I write this?

oh, cuz I wanted to.I’m waiting for the hearing examiner to come back with our city car. it sucks to wait. heee.

i have A LOT of pictures to share too.

maybe i’ll put a couple in this entry.

ok! I will!

a family photo. awwwwww…


heh, my son should do commercials. he’s cute enough… he’s fuzzy in this pic though. don’t worry, i have bettah ones!

me and my boy!

it’s jacob!!! he looks like he’s either trying to fly, or he’s a baby seal.

hmmmm… =) i was hoping he’d start to “scoot-crawl” but he wasn’t in the mood.

Me and my other boy!!!

AHHH HE’S SO CUTE! I need to go home now so I can kiss him… heeee.

Ok, so that’s it for now…

oh wait, i do have another set of pictures. my “i’m a model” line. yeah… I think I’m more vain than I like to admit, cuz really, who the hell takes as many pictures of themselves as I DO DAMN IT.

so yeah, look at my modelness… (i figured out why a lot of my pictures were so fuzzy, i needed to adjust the damn focus on my camera… heh… so there is a “fuzz” and a “clear” version. i like the fuzzy ones better, makes me look hotter than i am. ha!

the clear version of me:

the fuzz version of me:

OK!!! that’s really all for now.


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I think the clear version makes you look prettier, so there *sticks tongue out* The boys are adorable as usual!!!

November 10, 2003
November 10, 2003

Baby Seal LMAO That cracks me up!!!

November 10, 2003

i’m permanently the *fuzz version* of me lately. look at jacob’s haiiirrrr

November 10, 2003

they are so flipping gorgeous!!! Jacob is looking less like a baby are more like a wee man!!! Jonathan is just pure handsome!

November 10, 2003

oh, and you don’t looke so bad yourself! 😉

your sons are so cute! and you! woah! what a hottie! =)

November 10, 2003
November 10, 2003

they look great. well according to alina, im the self portrait picture queen…lmao!

Fuzzball!!! HAHAHA 😉

November 10, 2003

I love the pictures, very pretty and adorable.

Oh i just LOVE pics! They look so much alike! Too cute. 🙂 *pinches cheeks*

November 10, 2003

You can just box those boys up and Fedex them anytime. I love them! HEHE!

You are adorable and so are your kids 🙂 I want to cuddle them both, as I dont have any babies in my family, the youngest one is in Kindergarden and all i want to do is smack him….

November 10, 2003


smile in your pictures, crazy girl. i like the family photo cause you’re almost smiling (and your boys are always adorable!)

November 10, 2003

Ooooooo!! You are all so VERY adorable!! 🙂

What a beautiful family! I’ve only TOLD you that a million times! *smiles* =)