If you know what’s good for you…

Interesting new Twitter and Facebook options!

I would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS post an OD entry to Facebook. While a lot of my favs are my friends there (and I loves yous guys!!!!), I also have a lot of my family there too and they NEVER EVER need to see an OD entry…

If they know what’s good for them, they would never want to.

Especially when I’m posting about celebrities I want to lick and thinking about writing about this amazing sex I had last night (but I had to almost beg for it, and that was frustrating) and yeah… no thanks.

My twitter, on the other hand, may get a few jabs because really, the only people on twitter are also on here, so it’s like "hey, if you didn’t know i posted more mindless nonsense about nothing interesting, now you do!"

ha ha.

anyway, last night was very weird for me. I did all this stuff but it felt like time was moving slow and I was actually really relaxed at the end of it all (could have been the alcohol I drank. and I rarely drink on work nights…)

I got my kids, went home and let the dog out of his little "area"… He was TRAPPED ON TOP OF THE CRATE.

I don’t know how that little shit got up there, but there he was and he peed on me when I got him down and jumped around like a damn lunatic. Who knows how long he was actually up there, poor thing. I let him run around a lot to get his jitters out. He tried to snap at me but I told him no… then he began to steal my stinky socks out of my shoes (ha ha) and I had to get at him again. He did the cutest submission with his head in his paws wiggling towards me on his belly and then exposing it. I was like "awww, it’s ok puppy, mommy isn’t mad at you."

heh. He is getting a lot more comfortable and defiant so I really have to reign him in. He HATES when we leave and refuses to come to me when I call him to get put into his area. At bedtime he is also like "uhh no mommy, I will not be going in there unless you pick me up and PUT ME THERE!!!". No matter that I give him treats and feed him in the crate to make him associate it with good. He usually just takes the treat and drops it cuz he’s mad. He will go sleep in the crate when we are home all day though… so yeah.

anyway, then I decided to take him to go pick up Baboo. I didn’t feed him, so I thought for sure he’d not throw up… but he did, all over jonathons hand. hehe. EW!

So anyway, we stopped at Vons to get some dinner (and they didn’t have the rotisserie chickens that I wanted, so I ended up getting wings and ribs. yum) and then came home.

It was about 8ish and we ate and the boys bathed and I sent them to bed and then I had a mojito (mmmm!!!!) and got a little buzzed and tried to get Baboo to give me his sex0rs… but he was all "no, stop, leave it!"

ha ha.

but eventually he gave in by saying "Get out the vagina!"


anyway, I’m not sure if he wanted to have sex initially, but hot DAMN it was so good. Once again, the throbbing deliciousness was spot on.

Sex be the goodness right now.

I could use some more.

I might go pick him up again today, but I’m not sure.

I don’t know WHAT dinner is and I really can’t buy anymore food because we have to eat out Friday night because of Jacos little show and we won’t get home till late, and yeah. argh.

So it might end up being whatever left overs are in the fridge, plus chicken taquitos, corn dogs… and… pizza rolls.

ha ha.

oh well.


is that how it’s spelled?

hell if i know… or really care.

Anyway, I did not get to indulge my sims 3 obsession last night (and by that, I mean trying to make the dumb game WORK and not crash!) so I might try tonight… or not. who knows.

A Lakers game will be on so maybe if I do pick up Baboo he won’t want the computer.

I really wish I could get a new one. *sigh*

but alas, it is not to be.

Next year though… I’m almost certain that will be my big splurge. I won’t get a new fancy phone or anything like that. Nope, I just want another really good computer. I’ve been told quad cores are overrated, but I sorta want one of those with a really nice graphics  card and a wide screen monitor. oh yeah, giggity giggity.

We’ll see how much of that happens.

I already know I have to save 2 grand from income tax returns for my childcare for the year.

then whatever is left I’ll use to pay off my Best Buy credit and then just rack the credit up again on a new system.

See how that works?

ha ha.

That’s the ONLY credit I am ok with using repeatedly.

The only other thing I really wish I could get and may still try for is a bigger flat screen tv. oh yeah. me wanty. ME WANTY!!!!!

ps3’s and xbox’s are next on the list of "things I wish I could get"… but with my current ps2 games still unfinished and piquing my interest and my computer having games I really like, I don’t feel rushed anymore. Hell, the ps2 was out for YEARS before I got it. so the new one can wait too. And there will be lots of games and such too.

"Hey lady, you’re turning 40 today…"

"Yes! And please put a bow on the ps3! It’s for meeeeeee"

anyway, I should go do work.

I love how I’m here for 30 minutes doing nothing but nothing and hten I fuss about work. ha ha. I’m totally insane.

Speaking of, I think I may have gotten past my writers block for Blue Blue Dress!!! I realized a way to get around the plot issue I was having (meaning: I didn’t know what the heck I was thinking and I had no idea how to resolve ANY OF IT) and so I think I may be able to get back to it and perhaps finish it soon.

I’m not sure who has read the last few chapters of Trigger, but nobody commented, so maybe they were lame. ha ha. OH WELL.

Anyhow, that’s enough for now. I’ll be back to blab at ya later.

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josh got a compaq laptop with a wide screen HD screen and it’s sooooo nice. he ordered it off the HP website and it was only like $650. definitely real super nice. sounds like puppy was a little mischief-maker haha!

June 11, 2009

my dog likes to sit on my butt and eat her treats.

So how about in TS3 when your Sim is preggers they actually wish to have either a boy or girl! And it’s a gradual belly change– they don’t upgrade every day for three days. Plus I think they’re only pregnant for like two Sim days.

Oh and I totally forgot you had a Twitter, so if you see some new random person following you… it’s probably me. lol

June 11, 2009

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to read any of it yet. But I will and I will comment. Mind if I add you on Facebook??

June 11, 2009

“Get out the vagina!” HAHAHAHAHAHA! I’m glad you’re having good sex. That does make life bearable, doesn’t it?!

June 11, 2009

Hahaha, oh Baboo, what a romantic! LOL. At least it was good, though! The laptops the only thing I’ve bought on credit, too – I’m surprised how sensible I’ve been and not gone mental on gadgets!

June 11, 2009

Hahaha yeah I only post a lot of stuff on here just b/c my family doesnt need to know what an idiot I am.

June 11, 2009

I understand completely about not wanting to share od on facebook.

June 11, 2009

oh yeah trigger! i have to read that!! mmmmmmm taquitos!

June 11, 2009

RYN: I feel the same way. The thing is… He’s getting 10k in July for his bonus and I have agreed to further screw up my credit and surrender my car to the bank so we’ll still just have the one car payment (even though I can’t drive a truck). I still have 3100 in savings (down from the 5500 we had). I still have more than half. I am not living large… and yeah, I spent $36 at the zoo yesterday… but that was on HIS kids. I drive everyone everywhere, all over God’s Green Earth to make sure we all got our appointments, and everything is in order. And yeah, our prison sized hotel room is cluttered and cramped and hot, but it was the cheapest place I could find (and still be in a good school district). I bought myself a new pair of pants… only because I only OWN 3 pairs, and two are ripped up and falling apart. I don’t live the high life, and him making it seem like I do hurts. I do my best… and it’s just not good enough. He has a way of cutting me down and breaking my heart with so few words… and at 4:30… I’ll be right back there to pick him up. Breaks my heart.

June 11, 2009

I would never ever post an od entry on facebook either. MEEEP!!! lol. And ryn: That’s what I need….. you can guilt trip me and sad face me when I don’t do it… wait…. we’re not gonna say when I don’t do it b/c that looks like I’m already planning not to do it…. we’ll see when I don’t FEEL like doing it but do it anyway!! HAHAHA!!! <3

June 11, 2009

Try giving Caesar childrens travel sickness tablets. I used to give them to Millz until she outgrew it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx