I’m not interesting right now




Awww yeah! 1 month left! HOORAY!!!!!

So I’m wearing my green today. I always forget, so this year I remembered and of course nobody at my office is going to care.

har har!

So last night I went home and had a most delicious salad (i’m so hungry now  though!) and worked out for almost 2 hours (DDR says I burned 425 calories, but I always round down… so i say 400…) and my dumbass local channels were working so I watched some local news and then watched cartoons (I love Code Geass, where my anime nerds at! That show is so awesome, but confusing! And Bleach. I love that shiz! I netflixed this one anime called Noir and it’s pretty cool too…) on my DVR and fell asleep. I woke up a lot thought.

it sucked.

I can tell you all the times. I fell asleep at 10:30, woke up 11:13, 12:02, 1:01, 1:43, 2:17, 4:22, 5:05, 5:20, and finally my normal wake up of 5:30 (which I snoozed and groaned and cried and groaned and got up super late at 5:50  cuz I was just so tired. My body is insane!)

I wonder if that was because of that huge work out right before trying to sleep. I know working out at night is not the best but it’s the only time I have. Blah! Oh well. Maybe I need to do a longer cool down. As it is now I spend about 3 minutes stretching. Maybe I should do a stretching yoga thing.


so that sucked.

And I had dreams about babies. Stupid babies!

I called my sons last night and they were both in good moods. Jacob, who cried when I dropped him off on Sunday, was all chipper and didn’t even want to be on the phone, so I guess that’s good.

I keep forgetting to pay my car bill. ugh. gotta do that when i get home! *mental note* I need to go make a google note so it’ll email me!

 ha ha.

So this weekend, I forgot to write how much fun the boys and I had playing cards. We played Uno and War and Old Maid a lot. I will teach them Crazy 8’s later. They really loved it. Saturdays game fun was interrupted by them locking their room door. I got so mad, but I apologized. *sigh* I got a key for the room now but I actually should have a key for MY ROOM too. That’ll just s uck if I lock my own stupid self out of my room. Anyway I’ll ask him later this week.

Reminds me I need to call and order new insurance cards. I can’t find them to save my life. I can also change my address and stuff too. Oh whee!

I just made myself yawn cuz I’m so boring! ha ha.

Baboo hung out with his friend last night and we didn’t talk much. Oh well.

I bought some chunky peanut butter.

it’s gonna be super good on some crackers.


so ummm.

how are you?

ha ha.

i’m gonna go and come back when I’m interesting…

i’m so NOT right now.

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March 17, 2009

Oh man … chunky peanut butter!! I’m going get me some of that before I go home for sure…oooh oooh and some real niiiiice bread, lightly toasted me thinks…oh Monique you made me hungry…maaaan…btw…what’s DVR?? x x

March 17, 2009

mmm warm peanut butter and honey sandwiches.

March 17, 2009

How can you get up at 5.30?! It’s the middle of the night! THAT IS NOT MORNING!

March 17, 2009

Ooo I eat chunky peanut butter on ritz crackers mmmmm good. I did not sleep well last night either 🙁

March 17, 2009

blegh, chunky peanut butter give me some creamy JIF any day

i can’t sleep after doing something athletic. i get to wound up, wired, full of adrenaline…whatever you want to call it, thats what i get. it also doesn’t help that i take a shower after and i can’t sleep after showering for some reason either. lol. i’m not interesting either.

March 17, 2009

Yoga is teh awesome.. except the hard kind. I can’t do it.

March 17, 2009

🙂 Lol. And Ryn: Thanks! 🙂

March 17, 2009

RYN: If you’re naked and leave a trail of green glitter and sequins, you may need to see a gynocologist…a gaenocologist…a gynacologist…a vagina doctor. I’ve heard about lips turning blue but… Wait, that’s really rude isn’t it?

March 18, 2009

I love crazy eights. Its just like uno but without the uno cards!