It’s bouncy and jibbles (I’m keeping that typo)

It was supposed to be JIGGLES.

omg, the head. tis throbbing like a mighty throb.


So… I forgot to mention a few things and I just forgot one.

ha ha. oh brains, you silly dumb things.

I forgot to mention that earlier when Baboo called I almost told him "love you" before I hung up. It was just on its way to tumbling out of my mouth, instead I said "i..blargalkjdalfjdasldkfjda fdafas tapslaindong"

or something like that.

Now I wish I could remember the other thing I wanted to say.

oh whatever. I’ll remember later when I’m on that damn idiot train.

So a co worker bought me a burger, fries AND a coke.

i felt all special and loved and I didn’t even ask or walk around looking starving with a cardboard sign around my neck saying "Will dance for food"… so yeah. whooo!

i really wish I could remember.

watch out for a three sentence entry that will be like:






someone kill me.

So hey, did you notice my clever formatting in this entry? If you didn’t, then fine, but yeah, I’m obviously bored or trying my hardest to NOT do any work!

Log in to write a note

I thought this entry was about boobehs! I am disappointed in the lack of boobs. 😛 Chris

I should just send you my desktop and TS3. I really don’t play it enough as I should be…

You should’ve said it! 🙂

June 12, 2009

I was thinking that Baboo doesn’t stand for you using the L word, so I decided to do some research and read your previous entry….then saw the part about no personal calls. Whew….He was about to lose major points! 😀

Confused. You want to have kids with this guy but you haven’t said, “I love you.” ?

June 12, 2009

Ryn: Yeah, I know! 🙂 It’s Wonderful!

June 12, 2009

O_o you STILL haven’t said “I love you?” Imma smack you

June 12, 2009

Tuft! Lol. Yeah, Typical Monique! Not wanting to do any work, and doing whatever she can, to avoid it!

June 12, 2009

RYN I’ve actually met her several times… met her first when she was engaged, about six months before her wedding (she’s been married about two years now). If she were single, I’d definitely consider seeing what would happen.

June 12, 2009

RYN: ICED cookies, you dork. You know, the plain sugar cookies that have icing and sprinkles on top? (i swear, if i made a typo in my entry and you really thought i said ‘ice’ cookies because that’s what i typed, i’m going to be phenomenally embarrassed!)

June 13, 2009
June 13, 2009

Oh, I was also wondering why you wouldn’t say you loved him, until I read your other notes. haha, you fool.

June 13, 2009

Dude… coworkers used to bring me food. At first I was like- Psht. They think I’m poor. Then I remembered… f*ck… I am… lol…

June 15, 2009

so do you guys not say I love you?