Slack out with your … back … out? eh?….

So we got an email saying that people should stop having so many personal cell phone calls.

It basically said "Cut it out or I’m taking away your phones every day!"

 ha ha.

That doesn’t apply to me. I rarely use my cell at work (and it’s usually a school emergency) and most of my "personal" calls are to local numbers, are fairly short, and they are made from my work phone. ha ha! So I’m not worried.

I told Baboo this and he calls me trying to get me in trouble. ha ha.

Didn’t work bozo!

I’ll only be scared when they send out an internet usage warning.

I’ll probably cry.

but I"m good and I’ve been BUSTING OUT WORK LIKE WOAH all day. The morning has actually flown by and I have a giant stack of "done" stuff.

The bad thing, is that in the process i have also built up another equally large stack of "needs to be researched and completed" pile.


It’s going to require a huge alphabetizing job that i wish I could delegate, but everyone else is up to their ears in work I’ve already delegated. So…. yeah. whee!

I’ll be alphabetizing queen today. I really want a crown for this crippity crap!

So I don’t have any lunch today (and it’s in 40 minutes!)… so I think I’m gonna go to Subway. As much as a spicy chicken bowl would be DEEEEELICIOUS… I’ve had them TWICE this week… so yeah, I should probably like… give the poor bowls a rest. So I’ll have something else…

oh a co worker is offering to BUY ME A BURGER. ha ha. i’m not gonna turn down a free lunch, even if I don’t want a greasy burger that much. I bet it’ll be delicious.

Everyone, please pray, send vibes, and do tribal dances for me. I have to get at least my Jakie into the after school program and I’m scared it’ll be all filled up by the time I get there this afternoon. I’m so pissed, cuz I would have done this last Friday when I was off if I had known!!!!


Ok, so time for some Sims 3 action!

So one of my noters said I might need to install the "patch updating download thinger" (that’s what I called it, not her, ha ha) for the Sims 3. when it comes to that portion on the install, I say no because I have a "pirated" copy and I don’t think it’ll work and I don’t want the police showing up at my door or a lawsuit flying at my head. I guess it downloads some updates and it ran really well on her laptop which isn’t super new or anything.

So baboo found a way to get me the updater and I’m gonna install it. I’m also going to try and run it like Windows XP instead of Vista (I really HATE vista!!!!) and see if that has any impact. I know I want to buy the game, and I will eventually, but not if it’s gonna make my PC crash all the stupid dumb time!

Arrrrgh. With Baboo over, I haven’t been able to indulge my obsession, but tonight all bets are off. I’m even tempted to play for 10 minutes, save, quit, restart the program, play for twenty minutes, save, quit, restart the program… rinse repeat, just so I can play.

I know that’s lame, but I keep hearing cool stuff about it and it makes me sad.

Someone said they didn’t know why I’d like the game so much. I think it appeals to several things inside of me: My control freak-ness, my voyeruism, my creativity, my love for visual stimulus (it looks pretty and neato and such), my love for barbies, my imagination… yeah, stuff like that.

its not for everyone though.

I think I just like being GOD. muahahahahHAHAHAHAH! (wow, blasphemize much?)

anyway, I want to get this last stack of "to be done" work out of the way before lunch so I can dive into the research after.

I just had de ja vu.

I must be boring a lot.

har har!

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I am at the point were I am NOT below BEGGING for an external hard drive so I can Sim away my weekend. It has been too long and I am ready.

June 12, 2009

I don’t think I’ve ever delegated anything in my life.

June 12, 2009

🙂 Lol.

haha yea i hope work would never look into what i “really” do during my day while i sit here and get paid!

I think most girls like it, because it’s also kind of like playing house when you’re younger. Just a little bit more mature. &I so wish my work had internet. At least my phone does, so I can do things from there. But it’s not the same. :p

Re: lol! I think our apartment would be the base for all who visit Vegas. I can’t stop thinking about how awesome it’ll be to be there all the time, and I can honestly say I don’t see myself getting sick of it at all.

June 13, 2009

Pssshh, I’m not allowed ANYTHING at work, we get personal searches to make sure we don’t have a phone/money/anything not work related on us!!

June 15, 2009

i hope you got him into the after school program. Keeping my fingers crossed as I read on