Nanowrimo and breakfast burritos

1. I’m doing Nanowrimo bitches. If you’re doing it, and we’re not writing buddies, WHY THE HELL NOT?! Give me your info or I’ll cry for 7 days and 7 nights and the angels will weep with me. See, I’m already insane, do you want more of this?!

2. I haven’t written a damn word, but I have an opening in my head. As a matter of fact I have 2 openings. This could get messy.

3. I have to multi task and prioritize to get all the shit done that I have on my plate. What am I thinking? do I think I’m THAT good. I guess I do… Oh boy.

4. These numbers are sorta pissing me off.

5. My 5 hour pork roast came out SO FREAKING DELICIOUS. it was tender and OMIGA FLAVORFUL, and all I put was salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika on it!!! It did cook for over 5 hours on 350, and it was a butt roast with a bone, which I’ve never done before. So that might be why. THAT FATTY PIGS BUTT WAS DELICIOUS. I hope you’re not a vegetarian. but if you are, I sowwy. I mean no offense. I love pigs. I love their butts. It’s just that easy.

6. My breakfast burritos are super simple:

1. Baked Breakfast Sausage Links (I used farmer john)

2. Baked Hot Link Sausage (also farmer john, ratio to breakfast was 8 breakfast links to 1 large link)

3. Refried beans (Canned, but I could see using fresh pinto’s or blacks if I had them. I watered down the beans to stretch them out. You could do all sorts of things to these beans if you wanted, to give them more pizazz… add green onions, cheese inside of them, spices whatever)

4. Scrambled eggs with onions and parsley (you can make whatever kind of scrambles you like, add more veggies if you like, but I reccomend chopping them sorta small so that they don’t get soggy in the freeze / reheat process. I don’t scramble them to a really firm consistency because I don’t want them to dry ou tin the reheat either. If you’re going to eat them right away, reserve some eggs in a different pan to cook to the way you like them.)

5. Sharp Cheddar Cheese (I’ms ure you could use other kinds of blends, but I just had the sharp cheddar)

6. Taco Sauce (You could probably use some other spicy sauce you like, but this worked well for mine, I use the Hot flavor)

I cooked up the meat first and then choped it all into tiny pieces. I did NOT mix the two sausages because I wanted to make sure that there were 3 -4 hot link pieces and a lot more of the breakfast sausage. I just wanted tha thint of heat or other texture. I’m sure you could use chorizo or whatever if that’s what you like.

I put the beans on and then scrambled up about 18 eggs (since I was making one for everyone in the house plus extras). When they were ALLLMOST cooked I turned the heat off and started to assemble:

*Large Burrito size flour tortilla (You could use wheat tortillas, "wraps", or smaller size for mini burritos, which I’ll try next time, since one regular burrito is really filling)

*Layer in some beans along the bottom

*Add some cheese

*Add sausage evenly

*Chop up eggs so they aren’t too clump and add a layer of eggs

*Add more cheeeeeese

*Add a small amount of taco sauce for kick

*Fold the burrito. There is a method to this but I’m finding it hard to describe. You fold one end up and over the stuffing, then fold the two sides up a bit to "seal it" then fold it to complete the burrito. That makes no sense. lol.

*I microwaved the ones we were eating right away for about 20 seconds to make sure the cheese melted.

*the extras were wrapped in foil and labeled per person, also if there was a special thing about it (super sausaaaage!) I labeled that too.

Now go make some bitches, they’re delicious!

I forgot what number I was on, too lazy to go back.

I got a wicked migraine last night. It was not my friend. My period is being a bitch whore playing games with me. JUST COME ON ALREADY.

I know what’s going to happen.

I’ll be in the middle of my training session tomorrow, standing in front of all those people, and it’ll start. and it’ll hate me. Stupid body!

I really gotta go write a schedule of what I’m doing today so I can be sure I get shit done.

damn, this next month is gonna be ROUGH.

I gotta change my calendars.


loveyoupeople *muah!*




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        Humanity Scar   


 <span style=”font-family: Century Gothic”>(A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)  

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November 1, 2011

RYN: Let alone that they always seem to be trying to be quiet and a generator is generally going to make a hella lotta noise. Could be solar or wind, etc, but that house didn’t exactly look it…

November 1, 2011

I’m pretty sure we ARE NaNo buddies already from last and the year before… But incase not, Konflickted is my name-o. 🙂

November 1, 2011

i LOVE breakfast burritos. haven’t done one in a while…. and we are still buddies on nano from last year ^_^ i haven’t written anything yet either. not convinced i will get very far this year at all but if i don’t write then i’m never going to have anything. GOOD LUCK!!

November 1, 2011


ryn: privatized. And I’m sorry if any of my nuts are coming over to give you grief. For the record, I hope you know that I truly wasn’t taking shots at you. And I am not disrespectful toward you as a writer. Quite the opposite, really. I know that you did this last year and that you planned on doing it again this year. I think you’re an exception though, not the rule–in terms of your success in completing it and being happy with it. My shots weren’t at you though. They were at the idea that anyone can just sit down and write a book. If it was National Short Story Writing Month, I’d LOVE it. My attitude would be the exact opposite. Because even if someone does fail at writing a short story, the discouragement a person gets from that isn’t nearly as devastating as failing after they are 50k words in. If a person tries to write a book and fails they may never try writing again. It may seem like I was being elitist, but in truth I just want people to put the work in and be better prepared to succeed before just trying. I think NaNoWriMo is a scam. That doesn’t mean some people–yourself included–can’t make lemonade from those lemons…

…but even when you started writing your NaNoWriMo project you’d already written short stories, you’d experimented and played and learned–even here in this diary. You’d put in the work first. I’d even dare to say that it’s previous work that helped you be successful where so many others will fail. A friend of yours came and slammed me a bit in a note and she made the analogy that just because everyone isn’t a chef doesn’t mean they shouldn’t cook. I agreed with her. I just don’t think that a first time cook shouldn’t try intricate French cuisine as their first dish and when they do work up to that kind of dish, they should use a recipe instead of just winging it. That is what I was trying to say. And I still don’t expect you or even ask you to agree with me. Your experience has taught you differently than what I’m saying. That’s cool. What I do care about is that you understand I wasn’t attacking you. It wasn’t personal. It had nothing to do with you. I like you. I’ve always liked you. And if you weren’t a good writer, I wouldn’t read your damn diary in the first place! 😉 I hope we’re cool.

November 1, 2011

SO MUCH PORKERY!!! I love you even more now.

November 1, 2011

I’m doing NaNoWriMo… my username is emeraldrose83. PS. I love sharp cheddar cheese. RYN: Thank you. 🙂 I hope the last couple months of the year don’t follow the first 10.