Plans, Flirting and a Barbecue Menu


Another drop down, drag out, crazy morning!

I don’t mind it. It wasn’t too bad!

I did have to do a whole speech to someone who wanted all the ins and outs and logistics of something I had no clue about.

But I can bullshit with the best of them.

So that’s what I did!

Yee haw!!!

Here is what I plan to do for the restof my day.

* Write at least one more entry for le zombies

*Finish Chapter 10 of BBD

*Write a chapter in Identity

*Look at my "urban fantasy" story again, maybe write on that


ta daaaa.

So much work, so little time.

Oh work related work?


*Do a timeline of hours for the bum woman who never works in my section

*Log all time off requests on my computer sheet and the desk calendar

*Update a log for all the transitional requests we’ve been doing.



This man just flirted with me and I shamefully flirted back.

he was old, it wasn’t bad.

He had pretty light green eyes though.

Anyway, he was like "Are you new?"

lol… no, i’ve been here for years.

He was like "Oh, I didn’t even know about a reason to come down here. I didn’t know about Monique. But now I do…" (looking me up and down like a giant perv… but I didn’t mind)

and I was like "Well ok! Now you do!"

and I walked away but he  kept looking at me. I’m sure he admired my ample bottom.

I’m also wearing a super cute shirt today that I’m sure makes me look thinner than I am.

ha ha.

oh the ego, it loves the boost.

So, we’re gonna do some grilling this weekend. I think Sunday. Or maybe Saturday, but one of those days.

Here is the menu so far:

*Steaks (marinated in some montreal steak seasoning)

*Chicken thighs (marinated in mesquite)

*Turkey Burgers (with my dads super yummy secret recipe)

*Hot links

*Corn on the cob (possibly wrapped in bacon!!!!)

*Baked Potatoes (done on the grill, we have a little second shelf on the new one we bought, it’s perfect!)

And I think that’s it. I want to do something else as a side dish, but it probably won’t be grilled. Maybe some skewered veggies on the grill would be nice… hmmmm


I’m so hungry, obviously. lol.


Lunch is in like an hour.

I’m getting subway today.

I’m gonna get a footlong and it can be my lunch for today and tomorrow.

No cookies *sad trombone*

I really would like one, but if I’m gonna eat like a damn pig over the weekend, I need to be mindful right now.

I might also get some waffle bowls and some ice cream to pig out on.

I’m excited to cook.

I love cooking.

maybe I should make some sort of pasta salad to go with it all. and some fruit! hell a fruit salad!!!


the menu expands.

oh yes.

food is awesome.

*hugs food*

Ok, that’s why I’m plump.

and delicious.

If only baboo would take a bite.

no sexins last night. of course, I was too tired to care.



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    Take a sneak peek at my website in progress!


  Last Words (A zombie apocalypse survival diary, for your reading pleasure and future knowledge when they take over the world. Yes, I am the author.)

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June 30, 2010

Dude! Get the orchard chicken salad and tell me how it is! What about cole slaw? It’s a good pallate cleanser for barbeque. Lucky. I can’t remember the last time anyone, husband included, flirted with me. I’ll have cookies at my pity party- wanna come?

food is good though. tasty tasty food. Chris

*Licks screen* I love bbq. I do. Mmm…potato salad. Oh yeah. Old guys are cute when they flirt. They are all “Hey baby.” haha. I wish I could get my butt in gear and do some writing. Why cant I? Whyyyy? I dont know.

June 30, 2010

I want to come to your grill thing! 🙁 *sulk* sooooo much good food I am jealous!

June 30, 2010

i love subway! but i sadly get the cookies…. you menu sounds great! hey..its always nice to have someone flirt with you…it makes you feel good! 🙂

June 30, 2010

I’m channeling all my “sexins” energy your way!

I love old man flirting. They make you feel the most appreciated. Young man flirting is so transparent, they are so obvious and unoriginal about it that it just seems fake and stupid. I like cooking too.

June 30, 2010

The menu sounds delicious. You are just too smart, it’s awesome that you can write in you novel(s) and get the job done. Some people probably take all day just to get the job done without doing anything else. Enjoy your weekend! Grilled veggies are delicious!

June 30, 2010

RYN: Lava Monster is where the person who is “it” has to stay on the bark or sand and attempts to tag those who are on the equipment. In some variants, including this one, they can climb the equipment but cannot touch any surface intended as a floor of the equipment. Regular players can go into the bark for a maximum of 5 seconds, longer and they’re it.

June 30, 2010

Getting checked out IS a nice ego boost. I’d totally check you out too if I was there. 🙂

I would love teh turkey burger recipe! I might get ice cream for this weekend too. . . Suddenly pasta salad has a Ceasar Pasta salad and it is DELICIOUS. I just add chopped up zucchini and crumbled bacon and it’s AMAZING. And I don’t even like pasta salad. . .

June 30, 2010


June 30, 2010
July 2, 2010

*Corn on the cob (possibly wrapped in bacon!!!!) oh my god I think I just orgasmed. Why oh why have I never thought of this myself?